2: MORE introductions?! 😒

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And that's when I fell in love.. even if I was someone who was trained to kill people, it didnt mean I wasnt a softie for cute animals.

After seeing the four hamsters pop out of gundam's scarf I had to cover my mouth to avoid squealing.

"T-they are.. quite adorable.. I must say." I say calmly as I look at one, pretending I'm not internally screaming

"Ah they are simply lovely! Do they have names?" Sonia asks as she puts a finger up to her chin

That seemed to snap gundam out of his blushing transe, as if that was the queue to start up a performance. Gundam began introducing the 4 little hamsters as the "Dark Devas of destruction" the nickname was dorky, but you had to admit it was charming.

 Gundam began introducing the 4 little hamsters as the "Dark Devas of destruction" the nickname was dorky, but you had to admit it was charming

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First to pop out was "star destroyer gray fox" sun-D, the way he held that sunflower just warmed your heart.

Next was "steel red elephant" Maga-G
He looked like quite the fiesty boy, the first thing you noticed was that part of his ear was cut.. poor guy.. I'm going to kill whoever did that to him.

Next was "Miracle silver falcon" Jum-P, and as his name spelled, he jumped out of gundam's scarf and landed on his palm. Except it landed asleep? How didnt matter. What mattered right now is how cute these hamsters are.

Next was "Invading Black Dragon" Cham-P who was defenitly your favorite. His name could have been "Chunk-E" but that didnt matter. He was your favorite because when he waddled onto gundam's palm he had rolled onto his back, simply begging for a belly rub..

"A-ah! May I pet him? I won't hurt him I swear.." I say to gundam, awaiting an answer

"HAH! you foolish mortal! If you even touch one of my dark devas.. they will send you into eternal suffering! Eternal agony!!!!" He says, as if he is bragging about that.

"Uh.. is.. is that a yes?" I say confused. I'm just trying to pet your dang hamster.

"O-oh.. yes you may. BUT WE WARY MORTAL! YOUR LIFE IS ON THE LINE HERE!" He decides to warn me again.

I rub Champ-P's tummy as younger me would have said. And they say, the grinches heart grew 10 sizes that day.

I had been rubbing the deva's stomach and at this point Sonia had joined me in petting, though she was petting the sleeping one.

"A-Ah! Mortal! Are- are you okay?" Gundam asks me for some reason

"Hm? Yea I'm fine. Why?" I say as I stop petting the hamster to put my full attention onto the conversation

"You- You are crying." He says bluntly, causing me to turn around to cover my face on instinct,

"Oh wow, I am.. that's weird I'm not even sad..?" I say lying to gundam.

Kazuichi Soda X Gundam Tanaka X OC 【Shsl Ninja】Where stories live. Discover now