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You and Kate drove down the pathway to the house. Your elbow was propped on the window as you looked out to the cloudy sky. Kate looked over at you.

"It's only for a while" she said solemnly. You didn't look at her, you nodded to the sky. Kate sighed.

She had gotten a job as a tutor and a caretaker for a little girl at the Fairchild place. You've heard rumors of the house but you never really believed them. It was known that the parents of the girl were killed by her older brother, he was known as a freak. You didn't believe it. You were known as a freak yourself. It didn't bother you, you didn't believe the words they'd say but you were kinda weird. You found yourself different, but you liked being different. You never really smiled, you did odd things and you never really had any friends. Kate brought you along to hopefully change that.

She parked in front of the house and you stepped out. As you did you looked at the big ol' house and chills ran through your body. When you turned you thought you saw someone watching you from one of the windows but when you looked back, the drapes were only moving.

You grabbed your black jansport backpack from your seat and followed Kate inside the house. Mrs. Grose, the maid, showed you guys around and it was a huge house. You didn't say anything throughout the small tour, but you kept having this feeling that you were being watched.

"So how are you two related?" Mrs Grose asked sweetly. You and Kate exchanged looks and you looked away as you silently walked to a window.

"I am her guardian" Kate said. A silent scoff escaped your lips.

Both your parents died in a car accident and you were the only survivor in the crash. Kate had pulled over that night and helped you. When you were released from the hospital, Kate signed a paper making herself your legal guardian. You never referred to each other as mother and daughter, but you'd rather Kate than anyone else to take care of you.

Your mind was brought back to the house when you saw a little nine year old girl skipping into the room. She introduced herself as Flora. Cute little girl with waist long hair.

"What's your name?" she asked curious.


"You're my new best friend" she wrapped her arms around your waist. You hugged her head since she was short and gave her a small smile.

She gave both of you a tour upstairs which took a long while, this place was huge.

As you walked up the stairs, Flora walked ahead of you both and Kate whispered to you, "Their parents died in a car accident at the front gate, Flora saw it all"

Flora and I have that in common, you thought.

Kate placed a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry, I know this must be too much for you"

You gave her a smug smile and shrugged "It's fine"

You remembered seeing your father with his eyes open and a large piece of glass in his throat as your mom had multiple wide cuts and her leg was all twisted. You remembered crying beside them and shaking violently, but you shook your head and tried to forget about it.

"This is my room, and that's Miles' room" Flora said pointing to two doors. You wondered if you were ever going to meet Miles.

"What's down there?" Kate pointed.

"That's the east wing, I don't go in that part of the house" she said.

"Why not?"

Flora shrugged. "Don't wanna"

You looked at the dark side of the house, what's so bad about this part of the house?

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