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You Miles Kate and Flora all got back in the car that now worked. Flora, who was now sleeping,  was brave enough to sit upfront with Kate as you sat behind with Miles.

Your head was leaning against his chest as he had his hand around your shoulder. You still had the dark bruises on your throat and you had dark bags under your eyes, but to Miles, you looked beautiful. He kissed the top of your head.

"He's gone" he whispered. You raised your head slightly and looked at him.

"Kate killed him before he turned himself into me, he's gone" he reassured you.

Quint was finally gone. You were all safe and Miles was finally free.

You placed a hand on his cheek and leaned in as you both kissed. "You know I love you Miles Fairchild'' you said when you pulled away and you played with his curls. He smiled.

"And you know I've always loved you" he said looking deep in your eyes.

You smiled and leaned back onto his chest as he laid his head onto yours. Everything was going to be okay. And you and Miles were finally going to be free together.

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