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It was night now, everyone was asleep. You left your room and started to walk around the house in the dark. All the windows were opened and you liked how the moon light entered through the windows.

You went through the hallways and entered the east wing. This part of the house was much darker, not only because it was night but the vibe was just different.

You walked in an empty room that had sheets over almost everything. The only thing that wasn't covered was a dirty old mirror.

You slowly walked up to the mirror and looked at its reflection. You saw yourself, but you heard a murmuring coming from behind you. You turned but there was no one there. You could've sworn you heard a whisper calling your name.

You looked back at the mirror but this time you didn't see yourself. You saw a reflection of a middle aged man that was standing right in your place. He had an evil look and he was smirking at you, very creepily. You shakingly walked back, away from the mirror until you heard a noise. You heard a creaking on the floor and quickly turned around.

The moon light was bright enough to show his features. He was tall, pale white skin with dark hair and dark mysterious eyes. He was wearing a school uniform and he was looking at you strangely but not in a bad way, almost like he seemed interested in you.

"You're Miles" you said still shaken from the mirror.

"Who're you?" he asked kind of rude.


His lips gaped open slightly as if he discovered a mystery. He suddenly got nervous. "Y-You shouldn't be here" he said.

You looked back at the mirror but there was no reflection of anyone. "Yeah, sorry I was about to leave -"

"No" he cut you off. "You can't be here, it's not safe"

You looked at him curiously. He looked down and back up at you, nervous.

"You need to leave this house" he said seriously and turned.

Confused, you followed him out the room but he ran up the stairs and closed the door to his room when he got in. You wrapped your hands around the railings of the stairs and leaned your head on them as you looked up the stairs, the moon light shining brighter on you from the window.

Who the hell was that man in the mirror? And how curious Miles was. He seemed to get nervous when you introduced yourself. Why?

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