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You were holding on to a shaking Flora as Kate started to drive. It was silent until you heard a loud thud on top of a car. Flora gave a loud shriek and you held her closer to you. You heard more thudding and suddenly the car stopped on the pathway of the back of the house.

"What happened?" Kate said. She tried to start the car but it wasn't working.

"It's Quint" Miles said.

"Okay everyone out, get out" Kate said.

You all got out of your seats and you carried Flora out with you. You all started to run to the gardens and Miles held a protective hand on your back. You went to the side of the garden with the white statues and vines all over.

You began to run through the statues with Flora still in your arms until you didn't find Kate and Miles beside you.

"Kate? Miles!" you roughly shouted.

You held Flora tightly as you tried to find them. They were right behind you. This was all Quints doing.

"Where's Miles?" Flora cried in your arms.

"He's okay we just need to find him" you reassured her.

You ran through the garden hoarsely yelling their names. You were getting paranoid as you didn't find them.

You then turned a corner and you saw Kate choking someone on the ground. You couldn't quite make out who was on the ground, but when you got closer and the moon light shone, you saw Miles on the ground being choked by her.

"Stop! Kate stop!" you yelled.

You ran to them and dropped Flora on the ground as you pushed Kate off of Miles. Kate leaned against a statue pillar in shock, she thought she was choking Quint but he turned into Miles.

"Miles" you said.

You kneeled beside him as you tried to wake him up. His eyes were closed and he was stiff on the floor, dead.

"Miles wake up!" you cried. Flora was crying behind you as you kept trying to wake him up.

"Miles please!" your voice shouted but quavered from the tears and your hurt throat.

Your vision was blurred by tears as you kept trying to wake him up. He didn't move. But you suddenly took in a sharp breath when he started to gag.

His eyes were still closed but his mouth was opened as if something was coming out. Just then a big black spider made its way out of his mouth. You backed away and pulled Flora protectively to you as you watched what was happening. The spider emerged out of his throat and crawled down his face and scurried across the floor.

But when it was gone, Miles still laid lifeless on the ground. Your mouth was closed shut and you were breathing heavily through your nose as more tears streamed down your cheeks. You held Flora close to you as she cried.

"Miles?" Flora asked in a shaking tone.

He couldn't be dead, he can't.

You pushed Flora behind you as you carefully made your way to him. The moon shone on his pale skin and his closed eyes which made him seem more peaceful. Tears streamed down your face as you got closer to him.

He couldn't be dead.

You reached out a shaky hand and lightly touched his hand. From the slightest touch, Miles shot up, frightening you, as he gasped for a breath. His hand grasped yours tightly as he held the other to his throat. More tears spilled from your shocked widened eyes as you looked at him but your mouth was still shut, you weren't sure what happened to him but you knew you were frightened. He then looked at you in shock and he saw how scared you were.

"Miles!" Flora said and she ran to her brother, embracing him in a hug.

"You're okay" she breathed.

"I think so" he said, looking at you.

Flora then went to Kate who was still in shock and hugged her.

Miles looked from them to you with an expression of sorrow and he looked apologetic, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"I don't .." he half whispered and breathed out.

You shook your head slightly and put a hand on his cold cheek as you embraced him in your arms. You cried on each other's shoulders, you thought you lost each other. He held you tightly in his arms, not wanting to ever let go.

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