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You decided to go on a walk through the woods alone the next day. The clouds were grey, as always, and the woods set a sketchy vibe but you didn't mind it. The old leaves and sticks crunched under your shoes as you walked. It was silent and you loved it.

But you suddenly stopped.

You heard something behind you, someone was walking towards you. You turned and saw Miles standing behind you.

"You're following me" you said.

"Yes" he said plainly.

"Well if you're going to follow me might as well walk beside me" you said.

You turned back around and continued to walk. You heard scuffling and Miles walked beside you. Your hands were in your pockets as his hung loosely at his sides.

"I'm sorry about last night, I didn't mean to be rude, I'm sorry if I scared you" he told you.

"You didn't scare me, but I get it. I shouldn't have been down there" you looked down. You didn't know but a small smile appeared on his lips.

"I like your sweater" you mentioned his red sweater.

"Why?" he said looking at the torn thing.

"It's different, I like it" you said.

"It was Quint's, he was the best" he said remembering his friend.

"Where's he?" you asked him.

"He died" he looked down.

You nodded. "I'm sure he liked that sweater too" you smiled.

"Hmm, yeah" Miles smiled.

He never met a girl like you. He liked the fact that you didn't apologize for Quint's death like most people did, you didn't pity him and he appreciated that. He noticed how nice you were towards him and accepted him for how different he was.

"Come" he said.

He walked toward an old tree and started to climb. You watched him as he did, he sat on one of the old branches and looked down at you.

"Scared?" he smirked.

You started to climb up. You climbed perfectly as he did and sat on the same branch beside him. He seemed surprised.

"Are you afraid of anything?" he asked.

You looked out into the woods before answering.

"No. Everything in this world is scary, I just got used to it" you looked at him. He nodded.

"The car crash?" he asked.

You were curious about how he knew but you didn't ask him. You nodded and looked back out in the woods. You never liked to think about the crash. After the accident you just didn't really care anymore, you weren't scared.

You both sat in silence. Miles seemed to know something you didn't.

"What are you afraid of?" you asked looking at him.

A small panic grew inside Miles and he looked at you. You saw how nervous he got.

"Don't ask me that, ever" he said rudely.

You didn't flinch at his words but it kinda hurt you. He climbed down the tree and started to walk fast to the house. You leaned against the tree trunk and kept looking at the woods, confused but also hurt at what just happened.

Miles was different but in a good way, he seemed to understand you and he made you feel better about yourself. He was different like you. But what was he so afraid about that he couldn't even tell you?

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