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The next day, Miles didn't mention last night at all. When you woke up you didn't find him in his bed beside you. He didn't make eye contact the whole day, he didn't talk to you. You found that really odd, and really rude. I mean, last night was amazing no doubt there. Why wouldn't Miles want to talk to you?

It was later in the night and you were all with Kate and Mrs. Grose in the living room.

"Let's play flashlight tag" Miles suggested. Kate was doubtful about it, but when the siblings convinced her, she gave in.

"What're the rules?" Kate asked nervously.

"Turn off all the lights, if you flash us, we're dead" he said giving her a flashlight. She looked nervous.

"You're it, count the state capitals, no peeking" he said.

He and Flora ran off into the house to hide but you stayed seated on the couch. You were in no mood to play a silly game, you had a lot on your mind that included last night. You looked at Kate with a glum face but she smiled and nodded for you to go and hide. You could tell she was nervous, she didn't like the dark.

You sighed and got up from the couch and started to walk up the stairs through the dark house. You heard Kate saying state capitals as you went inside a big dark room.

The room seemed to be empty for years, it was very dusty and everything was old. Perfect. You went over to the bed and hid under it. Kate should've been done with her counting so you just stayed silent.

You laid there for a long moment when you heard creaking coming up the stairs. You thought it was Kate but when the person reached your room, you didn't see any light from the flashlight. You were confused but you stayed silent as the feet walked over to the bed.

Funny thing was, there were no feet.

You didn't see any feet or legs from under the bed. There was no person at all. You just saw the footprints appear on the dusted wooden floor as you heard the creaking sounds it made. It was like the person was invisible. This made your heart rush and you silently panicked. You heard the feet stop right in front of the bed and there was a long silent pause.

Until two hands grabbed your ankles and dragged you from below the bed out to the room. You didn't have enough time to scream because two invisible hands wrapped themselves around your throat and started to choke you. You tried to get them off of you but there was no one, you didn't see anyone on top of you choking you, but you felt the rough fingers closing in on your throat. You couldn't breathe.

Your eyes became bloodshot red as you looked over at the mirror and you saw the reflection of the same  man from before, kneeling beside you and choking you. He was only seen in the mirror. You were about to die when you heard footsteps coming up the stairs. The hands around your throat pulled away and you gasped in breathing. You roughly tried to breathe in the air but it was hard to.

"Y/N?" you heard.

You started to take short rough breaths in as you held your soft hands to your burning throat.


It was Miles.

He ran beside you and helped you to sit up. You're breathing shortened and you were barely able to inhale, you were terrified and you were breathing really fast. Miles saw the bruises of the fingers on your throat and gulped.

"Look at me, breath" he said.

Your red eyes were wide as you looked at him, you still had your shaking hands on your throat as you tried to regain your breathing.

"Breath" he said calmly.

He slowly breathed in and out as he tried to get you to calm down. You slowly breathed along with him as you regained your breath. He looked at you worried as you stared at the mirror. Your eyes were still very red and the bruises on your throat were dark and visibly big.

Miles didn't ask what happened, it seemed like he already knew.

He helped you up and took you down the stairs back to the living room. You tried to say something to him but you weren't able to.

"No, don't talk, it'll only hurt" he said.

He sat you down on the couch. Flora and Mrs. Grose were already there. You looked over at Flora and you tried to cover your bruises with your hoodie, you didn't want her to see them.

Miles came back in with a water bottle for you and a pop tart for him. He sat beside you and began to eat and you took a drink when a startled Kate rushed inside. She looked pale and she was scared shitless.

"You!" she said looking at Miles. He looked confused.

"What happened to your face?" Mrs. Grose asked her. Kate was bleeding on her lip. As she went to look in the mirror, you tried to cover your bruises again with your hoodie.

"Explain yourself" Kate said harshly to Miles.

"I was hungry?" he said confused.

"I am sick of the games!" she yelled.

"Don't talk to them like that" Mrs. Grose said defensively.

"He has been terrorizing me since day one!" Kate exclaimed.

"Don't be ridiculous, he's been here with me for the last 15 minutes. The only person doing the terrorizing round here is you" Mrs. Grose said.

What was Kate so shaken up about? She looked over at you to see if she was right. The only person Kate felt like she could trust was you. You didn't say anything, you only nodded to her. Miles has been here the whole time, why was she blaming him?

Kate then ran a hand through her hair and left the room. Miles turned to you.

"You okay?" he whispered. You nodded.

"Look I'm sorry I ignored you today, I'd explain everything but .. I can't" he whispered.

Miles felt bad, he wanted to tell you everything, but he didn't want to risk it. You looked into his eyes and you knew he meant what he said. You laid your head on his shoulder, your way of telling him you trusted him. He gave a small smile and leaned his head on yours.

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