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You were walking through the house with your hands in your pockets. You couldn't find anyone. It was night and everyone was supposed to be  in their beds but they weren't in their rooms when you went to find them.

The dark walls ran chills through your skin as you walked through the silent home.

"Kate?" you asked in the house.

There was no response. You headed to the stairs but you kept hearing creaking from behind you. You turned but you didn't see anyone.

"Kate?" you asked again.

Still no response. The creaking became louder as it seemed to walk up to you. Until it suddenly stopped. Silence. You didn't know but you were breathing really fast.

"Miles?" you whispered.

Suddenly, it was like heavy footsteps hit the loud wooden floor. They seemed to be running at you but there was no one, you couldn't see anyone. Frightened, you ran down the stairs as you kept hearing the steps coming to you. You jumped down the steps as you ran through the house. When you reached the end of a hallway, you bursted through a door that led you outside.

You gasped for a breath and tried to calm down. No one was following you. What the hell was that?

From behind some shadows behind a wall, you heard some giggling and laughing. You walked towards it and saw Miles with Flora.

"What're you guys doing?" you asked a little shaken.

"C'mere C'mere" Flora said.

She grabbed your hand and pulled you beside her as you saw Kate jumping in the pool. You were confused to what was happening but Miles and Flora were laughing. Kate then came out drenched and there seemed to be a broken China doll floating on the pool.

"Haha we got you we got you" Flora said as she jumped out of the shadows.

Miles followed her laughing. You followed them but you weren't smiling. Kate looked pissed, her breathing heavy in fear.

"In the house now!" She yelled. The two kids stopped laughing and slowly walked inside the house. You started to follow them but Kate stopped you.

"What the hell is the matter with you?" she said firmly as she gripped your shoulders.

"Woah, I didn't-" but she cut you off.

"Stop doing things like this, I know it was you the other night" she said.

You looked at her confused. "Wha-"

"Stop fooling around! Stop lying to me! God dammit stop being so different" she let go of her grip and pushed you back.

You looked at her confused and hurt. Kate never got like this with you, you knew she was scared of a lot of things but not to get to a point like this. You shook your head and ran into the house. Little did you know that Miles saw the whole thing.

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