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You layed in bed staring at the ceiling. You couldn't stop thinking about those hands around your throat, the fingers closing your airway. You shook as you kept thinking about it.

Suddenly, Kate rushed into the room looking terrified.

"Y/N! Y/N we have to leave right now" she said all scared. She came up beside you on the bed. She looked a mess.

"Why?" you asked. You started to talk a little but your voice was still very hoarse.

"It's Quint, I thought I was crazy but it's him. It's been Quint all along" she said.

You then realized what she said. The man in the mirror was Quint, he was the one that scared you, the one that choked you almost to death just an hour ago.

"We need to leave. Mrs. Grose is dead, we have to leave now" she said. "I'll get Flora, you go get Miles" she said as she rushed out of the room.

You quickly got out of bed and put on some sweats, you kept your oversized shirt on and you raced out of the room. You heard loud rock music coming from Miles room as you entered.

"Miles!" you tried to shout.

Miles was sitting against the wall, his breathing uneven and his eyes kept looking down nervously. He had his drumsticks in his hands as he tapped them nervously against his jumping thighs. You went over to the stereo and unplugged it, making the loud music stop.

"Miles" you said walking up to him. "We have to go"

He didn't look at you. His eyes were looking down nervous as tears were filling in them. He kept tapping the drumsticks against his bouncing legs. You grabbed the sticks and put them down as you grasped his hands in yours.

"Miles, it was Quint, he's been doing this" you said looking in his eyes.

"I know" he said shakingly. He finally looked in your eyes. "I knew all along"

You looked at him confused.

"He told me he was going to kill you before you even came here" he said sadly. Tears were at the rim of his eyes as you saw sorrow in them. "I told you to leave, I tried to push you away but .. I couldn't ... I didn't want you to leave me" he said.

You held his hands tighter. He was shaking so much.

"I'm sorry ... for everything" he shook.

The tears took over his voice. You put a hand on his cheek and turned him to look at you.

"Miles it's not your fault. It's not" you said. He looked into your eyes. "We need to go right now"

"I can't .. he won't let me leave" he said.

Right then the stereo began playing loudly all by itself. It was unplugged but someway it was still playing. You turned back to Miles and placed both your hands beside his face. He didn't look at you, he couldn't.

"Look at me Miles" you said. He finally did. "He doesn't control you, he doesn't" you shook your head.

"Let's go" you whispered.

He looked at you and took a moment. He looked into your eyes and knew that you needed him.

"Please" you said as your voice quavered.

He finally got up and ran out of the room with you. He grabbed your hand tightly in his as you both ran down the stairs outside to the back of the house.

"Let's go let's go!" Kate said.

Miles got up front with her as you sat beside Flora in the back. You held her closely to you as she wrapped her arms around you. Kate drove down the pathway and began to leave the house.

You were about to make it out.

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