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You were all in the house and Kate made the suggestion to go buy a new fish for the Koi pond, but Flora didn't look so sure.

"What if I ask my special friend? Want me to try?" Mikes asked her. She nodded.

Miles turned to a mirror beside him and said to it, "Will you keep me and Flora safe? You will?" Nothing was heard or seen.

"Kate and Y/N too?" Flora asked him.

"Kate and Y/N too?" Miles asked the mirror. There was a pause and Miles turned to Flora.

"He says there's nothing to worry about" he told his little sister.

She ran off to get her coat when Kate said, "Nice job Miles". She was impressed with his tactic to help his sister.

"He also thinks your tattoo is sexy" he told her.

Kate froze and you looked at her. She touched the back of her neck where her tattoo was.

"Come on" Miles grabbed your hand and took you to the front of the house.

"He also said you have a neat scar" he whispered in your ear.

You stopped. You had a large scar on the back of your neck that stretched down to your shoulder and back. From the car crash. You never wanted anyone to see it, how would Miles know about it?

"What?" he asked confused.

This house just kept reminding you of those horrid memories of the glass shattering and the screams ringing in your ears as the car flipped multiple times.

"Nothing" you whispered. You tried to shake it off but all those memories you tried to forget came back to you.

You both grabbed your coats and went into the car. Miles sat upfront with Kate and you sat behind with Flora. Flora was getting nervous and she started to panic as Kate drove up to the gate. It was the place where she saw her parents killed.

"Please stop, I don't want to go" she said scared.

"Oh, no honey we're almost at the gate, we'll be fine" Kate reassured her.

"Stop! I don't want to go!" she yelled.

She unbuckled herself and tried to open the doors but it was locked. She climbed over you to try to open the other door but it was also locked.

"I want to get out, let me out!" she yelled. She grasped you tightly and you held her on your lap, not letting her go.

"Kate, stop the car" you told her. You started to take your seat belt off.

"No, leave your seat belt on" she said. You were getting nervous, the car seemed to shrink and you panicked.

"Kate, open the damn car!" you yelled at her.

"Stop the car" Miles told Kate.

"Miles I don't wanna die" Flora cried.

Your seatbelt strapped you tight to the car as the car tumbled multiple times. Your mother's screams echoed in your ears as your heart kept racing. Glass pierced across your skin and you felt your ankle twist. I don't want to die, you thought, I don't want to die.

"Son of a bitch Kate! Stop the car!" you yelled.

Kate was surprised and frightened for what was happening but she kept driving. You usually didn't get like this when you got in a car, but Flora was only little and she reminded you of that one night. You had to get out, your breathing was getting heavy, and you felt the space around you getting smaller.

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