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It was dark in the house and Miles was being careful to not make much noise on the creaking floors. He carefully opened the door to your room and saw you sleeping on the bed. It was pitch black and the only light that came through was from the moon light shining from the window. Miles walked his way and sat beside you on the bed.

He thought you looked peaceful in your sleep. Miles thought you looked beautiful. With the back of his hand he stroked your cheek ever so softly.

The smallest touch made you wake up with fright, as a reflex your hand rapidly grabbed his wrist tight which startled Miles.

"It's okay, it's just me" he reassured you.

"Miles" you breathed out. You took a breath and realized you were still gripping his wrist.

"Sorry" you let him go.

"There was a spider on you" he said.

He showed you the back of his hand and there was a small black spider crawling on his pale skin. When it moved alongside his palm he crushed it, you didn't flinch.

"Look I'm sorry about tonight" he said looking down "I never knew she would get like that"

You laid back on the pillow and stared at the ceiling. You turned your head and looked at Miles who was looking at you.

"I know you don't want us here Miles" you said.

He looked down, "It's not me who doesn't want you here"

He didn't look like he wanted to talk about it so you didn't ask. Who didn't want you here?

Instead you moved aside and patted the bed next to you. Miles took the hint and got under the covers next to you. You both lied on your sides looking at each other. The moon light shined bright on your face. Miles reached his hand and caressed your cheek with the back of it.

"You're beautiful" he whispered looking at you.

He straight up said that, you thought. You smiled and gave a small laugh, you didn't know but you were blushing.

"Was that bad?" he asked you. He never told anyone they were beautiful before.

You shook your head and whispered "No".

He smiled. There was a small silent pause as you both studied each other's features.

"You're different Y/N" he said "Like me"

You stared into his dark eyes and fell deep into them. He laid his hand between the both of you face up. You put your soft hand in his and intertwined your fingers with his. He brought both your hands toward him and kissed the top of yours. You both fell asleep holding on to each other. 

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