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You were sitting next to Flora on the outside stone steps as she played with her dolls. She introduced them to you and showed you how to take care of them.

Kate apologized to you that morning about last night. You forgave her, you knew she wasn't like that.

Kate was now on a white horse and Miles was teaching how to ride the animal. As he did, he kept whipping his whip to get the horse to behave.

"You didn't have to keep whipping her" Kate told him when they stopped.

"Yes I did, that's how Quint taught me. It's a strong animal, if you don't exert power over it, then you'll never gain control " he said. Kate looked at him with an unsure look. 

"Miles, I'm bored" Flora said next to you.

"Well what do you want to do?" he asked his sister.

"Let's go to the Koi pond!" she said excitedly.

You all mounted your horses and started to ride to the pond. You've ridden a horse before, it's just been a long time. You were on a dark black one and she was just beautiful. You rode alongside Miles as Flora was in front and Kate was behind.

"Where'd you learn?" Miles asked.

"My dad" you said.

"Must be nice to have a father"

"He's dead" you simply told him.

Miles looked at you but you stared straight ahead.

"The car crash?" he guessed. You nodded.

"Mine is dead too" he said.

"We're the same you and I" you said looking over at him.

"No we are not" he said in a serious tone as he looked at you. "You don't know me"

"Of course I don't Miles. You don't know me either, we don't really know anyone" you said. He looked at you and took in your words.

You looked at him, "That's another thing we have in common" you gave him a small smile.

You then rode your horse up beside Flora's and had a small race with her to the pond. Miles took a while to catch up to you guys, his mind kept thinking back to what you had told him.

When you were all there, Flora showed you all the fishes. Miles watched his sister and you pointing at the fish and talking about them. He admired how well you were around his sister, you were kind to her and accepted her but didn't pity her like most people do.

"Miles! He's got a fish!" Flora suddenly yelled. They all turned and saw a crow pecking and eating a fish.

"Stop! Get the hell off of her!" he yelled.

You all ran to the crow and fish. You stood behind Flora as you had your hands on her shoulders protectively. Miles shooed the crow away and you all looked at the dying fish. Miles then stomped on the fish multiple times with his heeled boot.

"Miles!" Kate said.

Your grip tightened on Flora's shoulders, but you didn't say anything. You kept a straight face but your breathing became a little uneasy. Miles turned to Kate when he finally killed the fish.

"Nothing should have to suffer" he said. Kate looked at him in shock.

You understood him completely. You had to watch your mother suffer her last breath when the car crashed, it was terrible for you to watch.

"That was my favorite fish" Flora said sadly.

"Come on" Miles said.

He grabbed your hand and pulled you and Flora to the house, leaving Kate behind. When you were almost at the house, Miles turned to you and leaned in close.

"You looked good up there, on the horse" he said.

You looked at him and his eyes just made your heart melt. You squeezed your grip on his hand and leaned your head on his shoulder.

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