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Tzuyu penthouse should be quiet because it is painful day for tzuyu.

When jihyo arrived in penthouse,
momo and dahyun went out because dahyun knew someone who can fixed her phone in rush.

Momo and dahyun went out to took and make Momo phone fixed in rush.

Nayeon and Jihyo didn't leave Tzuyu side and still comforting her and Jeongyeon preparing for their dinner.

Nayeon humming and cooking sound all you can hear inside and michaeng is nowhere to see but they still inside of penthouse.

But then suddenly Mina went out in a room and walked toward Jihyo who sitting in couch together with the two.

"Jihyo-chan can I talk to you?" She asked.

"Yeah sure" Jihyo answer looking up to mina who is standing.

"In private" Mina said and signal her to follow her.


I know something hidden in message. Sana never message or even write that long except when we studying before when teacher made us write essays that she hate the most same with Momo.

I asked chaeyoung what she saw and observe in letter but she all can say is "She used tzuyu, she don't love tzuyu and shes inlove with that shithead mark"

I sigh on her answer then I remember Jihyo is here.

I leave the room and asked jihyo to talked privately and signal her to come in the room where I and chaeyoung are.

"Mina~ Why did you leave me? and why jihyo unnie is here?" The cub said sulking in the bed.

"Mina called me here and why your tone look like you don't want me here?" Jihyo asking Chaeyoung while hand folded in her chest. I glared at chaeyoung.

She nervously giggles "Of course not unnie" She said trying to be cute in front of us while showing her dimple.

"I forwarded to my phone this message of Sana" I said showing the message.

"Why is that?" She curiously asked.

"What is your observant about her message?" I asked.

"It's clear what she's saying that she choose mark" She said looking at me. "Why you even asking?" she continue.

"It's bothering me and I know momo too that is why she rush in fixing her phone" I answered honestly.

She hummed and took the phone and repeatedly reading the message.

"She have repeative words to make it long" She said analysing the message.

With that idea came to my mind and immediately took the phone on her that make her surprised.

I read the repeatitively words again and again.

Then there I realized what the message means and why it bothers me.

I looked at Jihyo who is looking at me confuse.

"I know now the answer why its long and why has many words that is repeatedly." I said seriously to her and show her what I mean that made her eye more widden then normal.


My parents come to my room after locking me in my own room.

They tell me what to do and to say infront of Mark and his family this evening for dinner.

After that they make me reply to Tzuyu message asking me about my whereabouts.
They eyeing and watching me replying Tzuyu they even told me what should I type and I just follow them.

I add some words for her to be hurt but I am hurting too in every word I type. Its like many knife where stabbed in my heart and in my whole body.

I love her more than anyone but here I am hurting her because of my cruel parents who make me believe that Tzuyu don't care and love me anymore because they hid every letters she wrote to me. They let me believe that mark is better and I love him but in the end of the day I know to myself that it's always be her.

I just hope she got my message on that letter and I hope Mom didn't read or delete If Momo reply because that is the only thing for me be away here.

I just hope they received my message.


I've been crying and it drained my energy.

She just used me and she choose him. It hurts, she just killed me multiple times.

My heart can't accept it.

I don't want to believe her message because it's very painful.

God must be heard my pray.

Momo unnie read Sana message to her earlier in Lunch that make me to hope.

I took her phone "Hey!be careful. it just fixed" Momo unnie said.

I read the message.

'Mo, they locked me up and soon they will get this phone. They got more strict to me now and I think I can't escape anymore. Help me please I don't want here. I don't want to marry him. help me please'

A tear fell on my eyes but it's not because of pain anymore but happiness.

My tears fall more and my heart beat in happiness when Mina unnie got bothered about Sana message to me that is why she keep reading it then it turns out that there are reaaly hidden message there. She explain what is in her message.

"See this. She repeat some words repeatitively" Mina unnie explain.

"She keep saying, I, want, love, and, you, not, him. She can used other words or name but she chose this word." She continue.

Momo unnie, dubchaeng and me looked at her confusingly. While the 2yeon eyes widden and hand in mouth. Jihyo unnie is calm, she must know already the answer.

"What do you mean about that" Momo unnie curiously asked.

"It means, 'I love you and I want you not him'" Jihyo unnie explain make us surprised and make happy and cry for happiness.

"But if that what it means why her message is like that?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Her message to Momo, she said her parent got more stricted on her so maybe they eyeing and controlling her while writing the message" Jihyo unnie explains make us understand.

In some hour I feel like dying but then by a simple hidden and unread message made me alive.

"So should we start making a plan now and be a Secret agent?" Jeongyeon unnie said rising up and down her eyes brows.

"HELL YEAH!!" We all shouted the same except for one person.

"NO!!" we all looked at Momo unnie.

"Why?" dahyun concernly asked.

"Can we just do that tomorrow? there are more important to do now" Momo unnie answer.

We all give her a 'what' face waiting for her answer.

"it's almost midnight now let's eat and sleep first" She simply said while yawning.

We all looked at her in disbilief and throw pillow at her and nodded after to her request beside she's right.

On Her Wedding Day (Satzu)Where stories live. Discover now