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"Minatozaki Sana" I heard a familliar voice.

"I know I'm not perfect but I will surely protect you in anything even in a bug. I will love you even you are clumsy and snake-" The person called my name and her face still blurred but I already had a hunched who it is.

"Ya!" I yelled and she chuckles.

"I will always choose you in the start until the end of problems and struggles especially everything to my life because I love you"

She hold my hand and toom something on her dress pocket

"I always call you Chou Sana but can I finally call you now as Chou Sana?"

She kneeled down and asked while my tears is falling already.

"Pabo!" I said in the middle of her sobbing "You should asked me will you marry me not like that"

"It's just the same but okay. Minatozaki Sana will you marry Chou Tzuyu and be part of her life together with your dozens of kids?" I glared at her.

It's her name . It didn't fade in my dream. I heard her name clearly. Tzuyu.

"Do it properly" I whined.

I look happy while crying. Is she that important in my life.

"Just answer me Sana, My knee already hurt"

"Who even told you to kneel down?"

"Sanaaaaa!" She irritatedly said and stood up and put the ring on my ring finger.

"I know you will say yes though why I even asked. You can't leave without me"

I just look at the ring while giggling.

"It's look beautiful, love and ofcourse I will marry you, you know that because I love you so much"

I really loved her before because I feel the happiness.

My eyes slowly opened with a tears fell on it.

I suddenly remember Momo's answer last night.

"The only thing I can say is, you treasure her so much, Sana"

That word of her give big impact on me.

My mind is in mess especially after that dream. Ah no a memory.

So it's all memories not just a weird dreams.

I treasured her the most and now I'm desperate to know everything.

Every reasons why they lied to me.

Why they can't say who is Tzuyu in my life.

And what really happened to me 6 years ago.


The others decided to get drunk before going back tomorrow and here we are inside a bar in freaking four oclock in the afternoon.

Sakura and Chaeyeon decide to look out for Yoshi for the meantime while here they are partying.

What I had dream still distracting me and I can't concentrate well because of it.

I decided to went out and walk everywhere to think and maybe find an answers. Luckily no one notice that I went out.

"for sure when I came back they already drunk" I whispered while walking to where my feet bring me.

I didn't mind my surrounding, just looking down and hand inside the pocket of my coat.


Without Sana knowing, A tall woman was also following her, not too far from her.

Tzuyu actually notice Sana uneasiness the whole day and yesterday. When she notice Sana went out of the bar, she immediately follow her and doesnt have plan to show her face on Sana, her motive is just follow her and look out for her.

They walk and walk until they arrived on a place where tree was surrounded them. The tree that leaves already falling. Autumn season already started.

The woman stopped walking and look up that made Tzuyu stop walking too

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The woman stopped walking and look up that made Tzuyu stop walking too.

She saw Sana look up and try to catch a leaves.

She saw how Sana catched one leaves on her hand, Sana turned on her side that made Tzuyu had the perfect view of Sana's side profile.

Sana smile while looking at the leaves on her hand. Golden leaves.

Suddenly, time become slow- ah no. time suddenly stop for Tzuyu. It feels like Sana is the only person she see in the moment.

She suddenly remember all their 'I love you's' to each other. She suddenly miss to hear it again. She suddenly miss Sana's warm on her. She suddenly miss kissing her.

Tzuyu feeling keep provoking her. she knows she can't control it but she tried but she become out of control when Sana look at her with surprise face.

Tzuyu just stand there while Sana surprisingly look at her.

Sana almost forget her worry because of the view but seeing Tzuyu there made all the worries back on her mind.

But there this feeling that Sana was feeling when she saw Tzuyu especially those eyes that saying something she can't understand.

They are both surrounded with leaves and falling leaves while both of them was looking at each other straight in their eyes.

It's romantic.

And become more romantic when one of them walk fastly to one another.

Every step the person do, a heart beat become louder and faster.

And the beat of heart become more crazy when two lips collided.

And Sana again got surprise on Tzuyu's action.

And Tzuyu who out of her mind didn't think anymore.

Under the falling leaves, two person got collided.

Two person fall, fall on each other.

And it's fall and they are falling again.

On Her Wedding Day (Satzu)Where stories live. Discover now