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"What about this? or this?" Nayeon unnie asked.

We are at mall today to buy gift for dahyun birthday party tomorrow at same time buying a cloth(bikini rather say) for us to wear because dahyun and momo decided to celebrate dahyun birthday on Jeju island.

"How about this?" I asked also showing her different style.

"I can't choose" She answer. "Mina what should we get this or this?" She continue "Me too. this or this" I asked.

"Why you even buy that? We all know you can't even wear that." She calmly said. "Just buy rash guard though" She continue.

Nayeon unnie and I pouted knowing she's right but stubborn woman we are, we still buy both.

Mina shake her head saying we will be in trouble.

We shopped and walked around when suddenly my phone ring.

I answered without looking who is it.

"Hi babe how are you? are you enjoying?" A familiar voice welcome me that make me stopped walking.

"Mark" I sternly said. The two noticed me and heard what I just said.

"You think I will stop?" He said laughing maniacally "I get what I want babe" he continue.

His word make me stiffed on my position and shiver on my spine.

"Take care of your belove because maybe you will not see them anymore" He warned make me nervous.

"What are you talking about?" I asked nervously.

He laugh like psycho "Take care babe" He said before ending the call.

My phone still on my ear but Tzuyu face was on my mind.

"L-let's go home now please" I plead.

The two understand it and we went home. Home means Tzuyu's.

I immediately went to her unit while the two following me. I look at Tzuyu immediately after entering her unit.

When I saw her I hugged her tight.

"Hey are you okay?" She worriedly asked while patting me back.

"I thought something happened to you" I said while my tears that I stopped from falling since earlier already fell.

I'm too scared to lose her.


"I thought something happened to you" She said. I feel my shoulder getting wet.

I pull her from the hug and face her. "Why?" I asked wipping her tears but she just hug me again while crying.

I let her hug me. I look at Nayeon unnie and Mina unnie seeking for an answer.

"She got call from Mark but we don't know what they talked about" Nayeon unnie answer.

I sigh. She must be scared.

"Hey. I'm here don't worry I won't let him touch you. I will protect you no matter what happened"

"Bring her to your room and let her rest. Don't leave her side Tzuyu-ah" Jihyo unnie said.

I nodded. "Even you didn't say. I will stay beside her"

"We will just tell Dahyun and Momo that you will just follow" Jihyo unnie said.

I nodded. "Thank you unnie. Maybe we will just go there in the morning"

We supposed to go to Jeju now. The couple already in Jeju since Morning and we, the squad will follow this evening because we are all have work to finished.

On Her Wedding Day (Satzu)Where stories live. Discover now