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Sakura followed Tzuyu when she entered her room to get Yoshi things. Sakura want to asked what she heard earlier.

"What you and Dahyun talking about earlier?" Sakura asked.

"It' s nothing"

"You can't fool me. You both are too serious earlier and Dahyun is upset"

Tzuyu bite her tongue and shake her head.

"It's really nothing" She said.

Sakura still not convinced.

"Tzuyu." She sternly said.

"Please Kkurachan. It's nothing" Tzuyu keep insisting

Sakura got irritated and mad. She walked out Tzuyu room when she saw Tzuyu almost done.

Tzuyu let Dahyun go with Sana and Yoshi. After they got out, Sakura took her things and went out of the unit. Sighing is the only thing Tzuyu can do.

She sit on the sofa and put her hand on her face.

"Just so you know Chou. Unnie already noticed that and they are not agree what you're doing"

"Think of your son. His still here don't leave him without his mom"

"We lost you once and we will not let that happened again"

What Dahyun said repeat on her mind.

"I forgive you Tzuyu"

Even Sana's word.


I bring Yoshi in Park where Chan said. When we arrived there, Chan is already there waiting for us.

He went to me and kiss my forehead and caress Yoshi's hair that made the kid hug me more.

"That's uncle Chan, Yoshi" I said while trying make him let go of the hug but Yoshi just tighten the hold on my clothes.

"Im sorry babe" I apologized.

"It's okay. I understand" He smiling said "Let's go? let's have picnic, I have foods" He continued while showing the food he holding.

I smile and nodded.

We found a perfect place to stayed in the park. Beside us are very familiar bench that facing the river.

Chan put a blanket on the ground for us to sit.

After I seated, I roamed my eyes and realizing that we are in Han River.

I looked at the bench beside us.

That's why this bench is familiar because it's the place where I saw that woman looking at the moon sadly at the same time lovely.

"Hey babe" Suddenly Chan tap my hand.

I hummed in surprised.

"I keep calling you. Are you okay?" He asked.

I saw Yoshi suddenly look at me. He stand up facing me then bring his both hand on my cheeks cupping it.

"Why sad pretty noona?" He concernly asked.

I can't answer both of them because I was suddenly lost in Yoshi's eyes.

His eyes. It so beautiful, so beautiful.

Just like her eyes.

Her eyes that made me see the galaxy.

On Her Wedding Day (Satzu)Where stories live. Discover now