(5) Derek Hale

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"Come on, please join us tonight! If you don't I'll be the fifth wheel of a double date. And you know I can't cancel on Lydia." Alex begged Stiles since she was invited to go out with Lydia, Jackson, Allison and Scott after the game.

She was allowed to bring Stiles but he didn't want to.

"Look, Allie, I'm not going out with Jackson and Lydia! If it were just Scott and Allison, it would be fine, but it's not. I'm sorry alright."

They were standing by their lockers and Alex knew she had to bribe him with something.

"Look, if you go, I'll watch all the Star Wars movies with you over the weekend, from Saturday to Sunday. And I will do my very best, not to fall asleep." Alex told him.

Stiles closed his locker and looked like he was tempted to take the deal.

"Oh come on." Stiles groaned.

"This is your only chance at making me a Star Wars fan, Stiles." Alex just buttered this whole thing on.

"No, nope, spending the evening with Jackson and Lydia, that's worse then you never becoming a Star Wars fan." Stiles said.

He was too stubborn in Alex's opinion.

"God, you annoy me. What can I say to make you come?"

Stiles did have something in mind, he wanted the thing to be a date between the two of them, but he didn't want to say that in case he ruined the friendship.

"Darling, there is nothing you could say to make me change my mind." Stiles answered in a bad British accent, which Alex couldn't stop herself smiling at.

"I swear to god, you're something else Stilinski. I'll see you at the game though right?" Alex asked as she was getting ready to go to class.

"Yes darling." He answered in his bad British accent again.

"Bye Stiles." Alex said while she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Goodbye Allie." He chuckled.


Later at school Scott stood by his locker when Stiles ran up to him.

"Hey, come here." Stiles said as he grabbed his werewolf friend's shoulders.

"What?" Scott asked.

"Come here. Tell me what they're saying." Stiles said as he brought them to a wall and pointed at his father and a police officer talking to someone at the school.

"Can you hear them?" Stiles asked impatiently. Scott only shushed him.

"Curfew because of the body."

"Unbelievable." Stiles began. "My dad's out looking for a rabid animal, while the jerkoff who actually killed the girl is just hanging out, doing whatever he wants."

"Who's doing whatever he wants?" Alex said as she came up to the buzz cutted boy and his werewolf bestie.

"Derek." Scott said. "There's a curfew because of the body."

"And you can't exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek." Scott told Stiles.

"I can do something." Stiles said.

"Like what?" Alex asked, getting tired of this.

"Find the other half of the body." Stiles answered before he left.

"Are you kidding?" Scott asked, also growing tired of this.

"We have got ourselves a wannabe detective Scott." Alex said looking after Stiles before turning towards Scott who seemed focused on something else.

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