(43) The deer

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*Season 3* (!!!!)

"Boy, it's a good thing you drew me a picture." The tattoo artist told Scott sarcastically looking at the picture of two bands that Scott had given him as reference material when he and Stiles were at a tattoo shop.

Scott just smiled at him.

"Hey, Scott, sure you don't want something like this?" Stiles asked his best friend holding up a very similar drawing to the Kanima. Scott gave him a 'really?' look. "Too soon? Yeah." Stiles muttered.

"I don't know man, are you sure about this? I mean these things are pretty permanent, you know?" He asked the werewolf.

"I'm not changing my mind." Scott grinned at him.

"Okay, but why two bands?" Stiles questioned.

"I just like it." He answered.

"But don't you think your first tattoo should have some sort of meaning, you know or something?"

"Getting a tattoo means something."

"I don't think that's... " Stiles begun but the tattoo artist cut him off.

"He's right. Tattooing goes back thousands of years. The Tahitian word 'tatua' means 'to leave a mark'." He explained getting the ink and needle ready. "Like a rite of passage."

"Yeah, you see?" Scott said. "He gets it."

"He's covered in tattoos, Scott," Stiles said before turning to the tattoo artist. "-literally."

"Okay, you ready?" The man asked Scott who nodded inhaling pretty deeply. "You ain't got any problems with needles, do you?"

"Nope." Scott answered very quickly and the man started tattooing him.

"I tend to get a little squeamish though, so... " Stiles looked at the tattoo and started falling.

"Oh, man." Scott groaned right before Stiles hit the ground.


They both got into the jeep afterwards, Stiles with a packet of ice and Scott with his arm bandaged.

"You okay?" Stiles asked the teenager who looked a bit uncomfortable.

"Kind of burns."

"Yes, you just had your skin stabbed about 100,000 times with a needle." Stiles stated.

"Yeah, but I don't think it's supposed to feel like this." Scott said and a few seconds passed before he groaned.

"Oh, god. No it's definitely not supposed to feel like this." Scott exclaimed. "I gotta take this thing off."

"No, no, no, Scott. Scott please stop." Stiles begged as Scott unraveled the bandaging.

The whole area around the tattoo was red and the tattoo was getting blotchy, before it started disappearing.

"Woah." Stiles said in shock.

"Oh, no what?" Scott whined. "No, no, come on."

The tattoo was now completely gone, like it was never there.

"It healed." Scott said, visibly very disappointed and Stiles exhaled.

"Thank god. I hated it." Scott looked at him in shock and Stiles met his gaze. "Sorry."

And he started driving.


Alex was sitting in the back of Lydia's car, with Allison in the passenger seat, and Lydia driving.

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