(16) Winter Formal

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Stiles and Alex pulled up in the jeep at the school.

Stiles had this goofy grin on his face that he hadn't been able to wipe off since he picked up Alex.

(This is the dress she was wearing.)

"What?" Alex scoffed with a smile when she saw Stiles expression

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"What?" Alex scoffed with a smile when she saw Stiles expression.

"Nothing." Stiles collected himself and got out of the car, but before she could open her door he opened it for her.

"Thanks." She stepped out, smiled at him and straightened her dress.

"Oh, hey Lyd, where's Sam?" Alex asked her once she saw she was alone as she stepped up to them.

"He left with his friends." Lydia brushed off once she saw Jackson and Allison on their way over.

"Well I guess you'll just have to join us then." Alex told her.

"You don't mind do you?" Alex asked Stiles quietly so Lydia wouldn't hear.

"No, it's fine." Stiles said, even though he very much wanted the whole evening alone with Alex.

She smiled gratefully and squeezed his hand.

"Jackson. You look handsome." Lydia complimented once he and Allison came up to them.

"Obviously." He stated. "It's Hugo Boss."

He chuckled before walking off. Allison looked distracted however and didn't seem to even notice the conversation.

"I don't care. I don't want compliments. I will not fall prey to society's desire to turn girls into emotionally insecure neurotics who pull up their dresses at the first flattering remark." Lydia sighed after the encounter with Jackson.

"Well, I think you look beautiful." Alex smiled comfortingly to Lydia, and she looked at her with big eyes.

"Really?" Lydia asked and Alex nodded as she held her arm out for her to take and Lydia looped her arm through.

Stiles was dragged a little bit by Alex before gathering his feet under him and catching up to speed with them.

"For the record, you do too." Stiles told Alex quietly.

"I do what?" Alex asked.

"Look beautiful." Stiles whispered a bit shyly.

Alex smiled at that and looked at him for a second.

"Well, so do you." Alex told him with a grin.


The three teenagers had sat down at a table because Lydia didn't want to dance and Alex didn't want to leave her all alone.

Stiles noticed Allison and Jackson stepping onto the dance floor and picked up the courage to ask.

"You want to dance?" Stiles asked Alex and she looked a bit taken aback.

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