(17) The Bite

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"Where is she?! Can someone tell me where my daughter is?!" Wanda called out as she entered the hospital after getting a call about her daughter.

"Wanda, you need to calm down. This won't help us find her quicker it'll only slow the process down." Vision told his wife to calm her down.

"Our daughter was hurt by some animal, Vis, am I not allowed to freak out?" Wanda snapped at him with tears running down her face.

"Of course you are, but Alex won't get any better with her parents freaking out." Vision said as Melissa McCall was on her way over to them. "And you and I both know what can happen when you lose control."

Vison added that last part quietly so no one would hear but it seemed to calm Wanda down.

"Mr and Mrs Cooper?" Melissa asked.

"Hi, Melissa, where's Alex?" Vision asked calmly.

"She's in a room. The doctors are looking at the damages done to her at the moment, so you'll have to wait out here until she's ready to be seen." Melissa told them. "Is there anything I can do for you? A coffee, anything?"

"No, that's okay, thank you Melissa." Vision thanked her before Wanda could say anything.

"Oh, our sweet, sweet girl." Wanda said as she sat down on a chair and Vision sat down next to her.

The elevator opened and Jackson stepped outside holding his neck.

"Where's Lydia? Huh?" Jackson asked. "Where is she? Where..."

He stopped in front of Lydia's room. She had been tended to first and was now laying in a hospital bed with oxygen.

Sheriff Stilinski stepped up to Jackson once he saw him.

Wanda couldn't help but listen to the conversation that was happening.

"Hey. Hey!" Stilinski grabbed Jackson's shoulder and pushed him into the wall. "What the hell happened to that girl? To both of them?"

"I don't know." Jackson stammered. "I went out looking for her.."

"What you just happened to wander into the middle of that field and you just found them there like that? Don't lie to me, son."

"No, I..." Jackson tried to explain.

"Hey! What happened to her?" The sheriff yelled at him slamming him into the wall.

"This isn't my fault!"

"That girl in there is your girlfriend! That's your responsibility!" The sheriff snapped.

"No, she's not, okay? She didn't go to the formal with me." Jackson told him.

"Then who'd she go with?" Sheriff Stilinski asked.

"Do you really wanna know?" Jackson asked. "She went with Stiles. In fact they both did."

"What?" Stilinski asked.

Wanda was now sitting in the edge of her seat and she read Jackson's mind to make sure he was telling the truth about what happened.

"Stiles took them." Jackson said and the sheriff let go of the boy.

"Somebody better find my son." The sheriff said.


Stiles entered the hospital a while later hurrying before running into his father.

"You know what? It's good that we're in a hospital, because I'm gonna kill you." The sheriff told his son.

Wanda and Vision had made their way into their daughter's room but she was still unconscious.

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