(8) The Bullet

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The next two days were filled with interrogations and other police business for Alex.

The night Alex was assaulted Stiles had gotten her consent to tell Scott about what happened so he went to Scott's house that same night after leaving her with her parents.

He told Scott about Alex and the bus driver that passed away that night as well. He didn't tell Alex about him though, as she had enough on her plate.

Scott was completely shocked at the information about what happened to her.

Stiles came over almost every day and sometimes they both fell asleep throughout the night.

Alex got a few days of rest before she was amazingly completely healed. The police caught Trent though and he was sent to juvie for a while.

So she had hung out with Stiles who told her about what Scott had figured out.

Derek was apparently not the one that bit Scott. There was an alpha that bit him, and Derek doesn't know who it is.

Even though Alex's body was healed, she still had nightmares and trauma from that night.

Once her parents found out, Wanda wanted to go over to Trent's house and make him a part of Westview but Vision stopped her before she was able to.

They were both pissed and heartbroken that this had happened to their daughter. But they felt more at ease when Trent was caught.

Alex went back to school maybe only a week after, but she still had counselling lessons to go to.

She was sitting in class besides Stiles when he started asking Scott questions as the tests were being handed out.

"If Derek isn't the Alpha, if he's not the one who bit you, then who did?" He asked Scott.

"I don't know." Scott shrugged.

"Did the alpha kill the bus driver?" Stiles asked again.

"I don't know." Scott answered.

"Does Allison's dad know about the.." Stiles began.

"I don't know!" Scott snapped and cut him off.

The whole class turned to him but Alex flinched a bit when he raised his voice. No one noticed, and she was glad about that.

Alex got her test back and there was a C+ mark on it. She wasn't able to do her best in the test because of the police business and well you know the deal.

"Dude, you need to study more." Stiles commented as he saw Scott's test scores.

Alex put her hand on Stiles arm and shook her head, signalling him to stop bothering their friend.

"That was a joke. Scott it was one test, you're gonna make it up." Stiles said after Scott had smacked his test on the table. "Do you want help studying?"

"No." Scott sighed. "I'm studying with Allison after school today."

"That's my boy." Stiles exclaimed. Alex rolled her eyes at his childlike behaviour.

"We're just studying." Scott said.

"Uh-uh. No you're not." Stiles said

"No, I'm not?" Scott asked confused.

"Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you." Stiles continued. "If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to god I'll have you de-balled."

"Okay." Scott scoffed trying to make him talk more quiet. "Just stop with the questions, man."

"Done. No more questions." Stiles said. "No more talk about the Alpha or Derek. Especially Derek, who still scares me."

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