(55) The bus

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"Let's go! Back on the bus!" Coach Finstock yelled out to the students.

Alex, Stiles and Lydia shared a worried look as they waited for Scott and Allison.

After a while they both came out of the bathroom, Allison supporting Scott with his arm on her shoulder.

Lydia ran over to them and Alex followed her.
"Is he okay? Are you okay?" Lydia asked quickly. Scott nodded but he looked like he was in pain. Alex wished she could help him, but even though she told Stiles she was fine, that healing attempt drained her energy once more.

"Where's Stiles?" Scott asked them as Alex took the bag he was carrying.

"He's attempting to stall Coach. I think he's just annoying him though. But it seems to be working." Alex told him.

"We still don't have gas." Lydia stated as she helped carry Scott.

"I'm not leaving him." Allison said.

"Then we have to leave the car." Lydia said trying to reason with her.

"Sounds good." Allison answered.

"W- W- What?" Lydia stammered and slowed down in shock, letting go of Scott and Alex jumped in to help him get to the bus. "That wasn't an actual suggestion. Allison, guys, wait... Ah.. screw it."

Lydia followed the trio to the bus reluctantly.

When the four of them reached Stiles they were also met with a sort of chaos forming.

"Stiles, what's happening?" Scott asked his best friend.

"They went after him. I told him what was happening with you, and he just went after him." Stiles replied.

"Who, Boyd?" Scott asked in shock, but Boyd was standing beside the actual scene, anger and satisfaction played out on his face and through his body language.

"Isaac, Isaac, Isaac!" Coach yelled at the boy who was punching Ethan repeatedly. Danny tried to come to his rescue but Isaac threw him off. "Back off!"

"Stop!" Scott yelled as he made his way to the two werewolves. But then Scott said his name in such a way that Alex couldn't really describe, but it felt like an Alpha roaring to his beta.

This was the only thing that made him stop. Isaac and Scott just looked at each other, and it really did feel like an Alpha looking at his beta. Scott did sort of have his own pack, Alex included in it, but this felt different. This felt.. real.


The five teenagers were now on the bus with the rest of the students. Isaac for some reason didn't get in that much trouble, which was surprising, but they weren't about to question it.

Allison and Scott sat together at the back of the bus, caught up in their own world. Alex had fallen asleep on Stiles shoulder, exhausted from the after effects of that night. Lydia was sitting in front of them and she and Stiles were having a conversation.

"All right. Let's go over this one more time." Stiles said as Lydia sat with her back against the window and her head turned forward, not actually looking at him.

"So it's the sacrifices, right? Everything has to do with them and someone who thinks he's like, a dark Druid of some kind."

"Or actually is a dark Druid." Lydia said finally turning to look at the boy.

"A darach." Alex corrected groggily waking up from her nap. She felt horrible, but she always did after sleeping in cars, or planes, really just any moving vehicle that doesn't have a bed.

"How are you feeling?" Lydia asked her with a worried mine. She didn't really know how her best friend's powers worked, or how much using them affected her, but seeing her like this worried her a lot. And she could see on the boy's face next to her, he worried even more.

"I'm feeling okay. Not great, but better then before." Alex said with a small smile. When she saw their faces, showing how they didn't believe her she reassured them. "Really, I'm fine. Don't worry, I just need some rest. Besides, Scott's the one we need to worry about. And the Darach as well."

Lydia and Stiles still didn't quite believe her, but they decided not to bring it up again and rather move on to the topic they were on.

"You know, some ancient cultures sacrificed people in preparation for battle." Lydia said, changing the topic and Stiles sighed.

"So we got Alpha werewolves against a dark Druid." Stiles commented as Alex put her head on his shoulder again.

"Yeah." Lydia breathed as she opened her phone.

"What could go wrong." Alex said ironically and Stiles looked down on her.

"You sure you're fine? You don't need anything? Food? Water? A tennis ball?" Stiles questioned pulling stuff up from his bag.

"A tennis ball?" Alex lifted her head to look at him with a smile. "What would I need that for?" She chuckled.

"Well, I dunno, if you wanted to, you know, let out some aggression, do something to get your energy up, or, i don't know, something?" Stiles rambled on as he started fiddling with his hands. Alex laughed a little before putting her hand above his to make him stop.

"Don't worry, it was a good thought, a weird one, but thank you. You made me feel a bit better." Alex told him and he gave her a small smile as their eyes locked. They lingered like that, just gazing into each other's eyes. Stiles looked like he was about to say something, but Lydia cleared her throat, putting a stop to the moment and gaining their attention.

"We're here." She said and they all looked out the window. A sign there caught their attention.

"Motel Glen Capri."


A/N: Alright folks, we're back for a little while. I've been pretty busy this summer, which i didn't expect, so i haven't gotten around to writing. School starts in about two weeks, so I'll try to get some writing done before that, more specifically this week, since I'm going away next week, but i hope you all enjoyed this chapter and the one released yesterday, and thank you for reading this through! Also thank you for being patient, i won't be abandoning this story since this is my first one and i want to finish it, but it just might take a while. I'm starting to like my writing more nowadays, so the story is going to get better and Alex will be shown more in the future. If you notice some characteristic changes in her, that's just because i found her original character a bit boring, so I'm trying to get her to have more character development over the next few seasons. I hope you'll follow along the story as it progresses with it's very irregular updates, and thank you for the ones who continue to read it! <3

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