(21) The Police Station

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"Hey did you slow him down?" Alex asked over the phone as Stiles drove the jeep to the station.

"You could say that." Allison answered.

"Alright, well, we're headed to the station right now." Alex said.

"Where's Scott?" She asked her.

"Isaac's." Alex told her.

"Does he have a plan?" Allison questioned.

"Yep, but not a very good one." Alex sighed.

"And, unfortunately we don't really have time to come up with anything better." Stiles said loudly so Allison would hear it and then Alex hung up.


Alex and Stiles had picked up Derek on the way so he sat in the passenger seat and Alex sat in the back.

The three of them pulled up to the station.

"Okay, now the keys to every cell are in a password protected lockbox in my father's office." Stiles told Derek who turned to him after they all looked at the female officer who was inside the station.

"The problem is getting past the front desk." Stiles continued.

"I'll distract her." Derek said and was about to get out of the jeep.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa.. You?" Stiles pulled him back into the car by his shoulder. "You're not going in there."

Derek looked at Stiles' hand who was still on his shoulder.

"I'm taking my hand off." Stiles said retreating his hand.

"I was exonerated." Derek said.

"You're still a person of interest." Alex told him.

"An innocent person." Derek stated.

"An... You?" Stiles looked at him like he was crazy and talked with a forced laugh. "Yeah, right!"

"Okay, fine." Stiles agreed after getting another look. "What's your plan?"

"To distract her." Derek said nodding.

"Uh-huh. How?" Stiles nodded in response. "By punching her in the face?"

"Heh, by talking to her." Derek gave him a fake laugh.

"Okay, all right. Give me a sample." Stiles said and Alex sighed. "What are you gonna open with?"

Derek looked forward, sighed, and looked back at Stiles giving him a look and Stiles sighed in response.

"Dead silence. That should work beautifully. Any other ideas?" Stiles said.

"I'm thinking about punching you in the face." Derek said casually and Alex scoffed at how Stiles looked so shocked.


Alex and Stiles had followed Derek into the station but stood behind the doors waiting for him to distract the female officer.

"Good evening, how can I help..." the officer paused as she saw Derek. "..you?"

"Hi." Derek said with a big smile.

"Hi." The female officer smiled as well, a bit taken aback.

Stiles sighed quietly and Alex gave him a knowing look like he shouldn't have had any doubts.

"Oh shut up." He mouthed to her hitting her arm.

"Um, I had a question." Derek said. "Um, sorry, I'm a little... a little thrown. I wasn't really expecting someone..."

Stiles and Alex started moving past the front desk.

"Like.. me?" The female officer chuckled.

"Oh, I was gonna say, so incredibly beautiful, but, yeah, I guess that'd be the same thing." Derek continued with his big smile as the two teenagers had made it past the scene.

They made their way into Mr. Stilinski's office and Stiles started opening the lockbox, but when he opened it, there was nothing inside.

The suddenly heard some keys jangling and looked in the way the sound came from.

"Oh, no." Stiles exclaimed quietly.

They left the office and walked a few hallways around for the sound and they turned a corner where they met a sheriff's deputy.

"Whoa. Uh, just looking.. um..." Stiles started beginning to explain himself when the two teenagers looked down to see a broken arrow in the deputy's leg.

"Oh, sh..." Stiles said and they were about to run but the deputy grabbed both of them and dragged them away, however Stiles managed to pull the fire alarm as the deputy brought them to the cell room.

The two teenagers were dropped down to the floor and they looked at the containment cell, along with the deputy, where Isaac would've been held, only to find it wide open with no one in it.

Suddenly they heard growling and Isaac tackled the deputy down onto a table before throwing him into the wall on the other side of the room.

Stiles and Alex hid behind a desk after the deputy had been thrown.

Isaac knocked the deputy out and Alex and Stiles, layed behind the desk close to each other so they wouldn't be seen.

One thing that was for sure, was that Alex was not a werewolf. She hadn't felt the effects at all during this full moon.

Suddenly Derek stepped inside and crushed the shot of wolfsbane that the fake deputy was going to use to kill Isaac.

Isaac turned around and looked at Derek before looking at the two teenagers who were on the ground.

They both looked at Derek for a split second before realising that Isaac was on his way to them and they both felt the panic rise inside them.

Derek roared at Isaac to stop him from going over to them and Isaac sort of crumbled down whimpering into a ball hiding his face like he was scared of Derek.

Once he looked up again he was back to normal and Alex and Stiles sighed in relief.

"How did you do that?" Alex asked Derek.

"I'm the Alpha." Derek looked at them and Stiles raised his eyebrows looking at Isaac.


A little bit later the two teenagers stood in the middle of the cell room just looking at the knocked out impressionist deputy still processing what just happened when the sheriff and the real deputies walked in looking very confused.

The two teenagers looked at them and Stiles looked around him seeing no one but them and then looked back at the sheriff's department in front of them.

"Uh, he did it." Stiles said now realising what this looked like.


A/N: Sorry that this chapter was a bit short today, but I just wanted to be able to post today so I wouldn't skip a day, and sorry for the late post. Well, again, I hope you've enjoyed the story so far, and thank you for reading this far into the story, I didn't think anyone would want to read it honestly.

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