(11) The school

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The trio had been put in detention because of what happened.

They were sitting by a desk all three of them.

"Excuse me, sir?" Scott started talking. "I know it's detention and all, but, I'm supposed to be at work, and I don't want to get fired."

Mr. Harris just gave him a small smile and looked down at some papers again.

Scott sighed.

"You knew I would heal." He said to Stiles.

"Yep." Stiles stated.

"So you did that to help me learn?" Scott asked.

"Yep." Stiles repeated.

"But partially to punish me." Scott stated.

"Yeah." Stiles scoffed." Well, that one's obvious."

"Dude." Scott began and Alex noticed Mr.Harris looking at them weirdly. "You're my best friend, and I can't have you being angry with me."

"I'm not angry anymore." Stiles sighed. "Look, you have something, Scott. Okay? Wether you want it or not, you can do things that nobody else can do. So that means you don't have a choice anymore. It means you have to do something." Stiles told him.

"I know. And I will." Scott said.

"All right, the three of you, out of here." Mr. Harris said.

"Thank you." Scott said as he wrote something quickly on his paper and the trio packed up their stuff.


Later that evening the trio was driving to the school since Scott told Derek to meet him there.

Stiles parked the jeep and the trio exited the car.

"This is a terrible idea." Stiles commented.

"Yeah, I know." Scott agreed.

"But we're still gonna do it?" Stiles questioned.

"Can you think of something better?" Scott asked.

"Well, personally I'm a fan of ignoring a problem until eventually it just goes away." Stiles told them with the usual amount of sarcasm.

"Honestly, this time, so am I." Alex agreed.

"Just make sure we can get inside." Scott said as a car approached them and Stiles opened up the back of the car.

"He's here." Scott said once he saw that the car was Derek's.

"Where's my boss?" Scott asked Derek once he stepped out of the car.

"He's in the back." Derek said and the trio looked inside his car through the window and saw Deaton tied up unconscious in the back seat.

"Oh, he looks comfortable." Stiles commented as the trio started walking away.

"Wait. Hey. What are you doing?" Derek questioned as they continued to walk.

"You said I was linked with the Alpha." Scott told him. "I'm gonna see if you're right."


They walked through the school as Stiles lighted his flashlight through some of the windows inside.

"Okay, one question." Alex said as they stepped into the office. "What are you gonna do if the Alpha doesn't show up?"

"I don't know." Scott answered.

"And what are you gonna do if he does show up?" Alex questioned again as Stiles started looking through some drawers.

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