(47) The ice bath

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Alex was sitting in the library with Lydia and Allison. Allison was drawing the bruise on her arm in her notebook and Alex was just sitting there drowning in her own thoughts not being able to study.

"I want one." Lydia suddenly said and the two girls looked at her before looking where she was looking.

The twins that had transferred here were standing over by one of the bookshelves.

"Which one?" Allison asked Lydia with a grin.

"I'm guessing the straight one." Alex said and Lydia looked at her.

"Obviously." Lydia agreed and Allison turned to see one of the twins with his eyes on Danny.

Lydia looked at them and then suddenly she was gone.

Allison picked up Lydia's empty coffee cup, not noticing she had left, looking at the logo.

"What if it's not a symbol? What if it's actually a logo?" Allison said looking up and noticing Lydia was gone, and then meeting Alex's eyes with her brows furrowed. Alex gestured to the twins behind her with her head and Lydia was over there talking to the straight twin.

The two girls shared a knowing look before getting back to the logos.

"You might be onto something though." Alex told her, talking about the logo thing.

Allison searched up logos online and started scrolling.

"I gotta go though, I'm supposed to meet up with Scott and Stiles, I can't study either, good luck though." Alex said packing up her stuff and leaving the library.

She met up with them at the animal clinic as they had texted her to meet them there.

Once she was there, and Deaton had filled her in on what they were doing she, along with Derek, Scott and Stiles, we're pouring ice into an ice bath.

Deaton was explaining the whole thing to Isaac.

"Obviously, it's not going to be particularly... comfortable. But if we can slow your heart rate down enough, you'll slip into a trance-like state." Deaton told the teenage wolf.

"Like being hypnotised." Isaac stated.

"Exactly. You'll be half transformed. It'll let us access your subconscious mind." Deaton said and Isaac squatted down by the ice bath.

"How slow does his heart rate need to be?" Scott asked.

"Very slow." Deaton said.

"Okay, well, how slow is very slow?" Derek questioned.

"Nearly dead." Deaton said and Isaac touched the water and practically hissed taking it out again.

"Can't Alex just read my mind and find the memories? She has powers now right?" Isaac asked and everyone looked at her.

"Oh, I don't know how to do that fully yet. It could result in brain damage if I did it wrong." Alex explained and everyone backed away from that idea.

"It's safe though, right?" Isaac asked Deaton.

"Do you want me to answer honestly?" Deaton asked and Isaac looked at the ice bath again.

"No. No, not really." Isaac said and the sound of rubber against skin ringed through the room and everyone turned to Stiles who had put on super long rubber gloves.

"What?" Stiles asked as everyone looked at him weirdly. When Derek raised his brows Stiles unwillingly took it off again.

Alex would've normally laughed at this but she couldn't really meet his gaze, and it embarrassed her.

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