13. Wanting

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Evie was hit with the force of nature. Fresh air, crispy with Winter's touch, danced through her raven hair. For a second she didn't move. She just wanted to savour the feeling. It had been a while since she'd last been out in the open-once again; the pang of nostalgia hit her.

Magnus. At night, they used to walk around in Brooklyn, never giving second thoughts to demons which ran free during those deadly hours. They would walk, aimlessly, until the sun rose. What they spoke of was often random, sometimes about light topics, sometimes heavy ones. Evie can't really remember exactly what it was that they spoke of. Only she never forgot the emotions. Joy. Shock. Comfort. Amusement. Belonging.

He was her family.

"Evelyn." Sebastian tucked her hair behind her ear as his voice broke her from her reveries. He stood in front of her, a few inches from her face. The sight of him brought both feelings of love and hate. Why? "What's the matter?"

"Nothing." she replied quickly. Crossing her arms, Evie trotted to his side. He took her hand.

"Come on," Sebastian pulled her towards the trees, which were big and lightly caked in snow.

"Why are you bringing me here?" She said, eyes flicking around curiously.

"We need to talk." His voice was firm yet soft, and it was only then that Evie realised how he hadn't forced her to do anything since she was first kidnapped. He had been suggestive, rude, confusing. Only, he'd never made her do anything that was truly against her will.

Other than kidnap you, Evie scolded herself fiercely. She hated her emotions. I'm not a freak who is developing Stockholm's Syndrome.

"But..." she bit her lip. "Couldn't we talk inside?"

"We could, but I wanted to talk to you out here." he said.

"Okay." She didn't push any further, letting him the way, her hand in his.


"So this is Giselle's fault?" Alec asked as he lowered himself to sit on Clary's bed. Jace stood a few feet away, staring through the window.

"Technically, this is all because of Sebastian. Even when it came to Giselle, it's all linked to him." replied Clary, twirling her stele in her hands.

"So it all goes back to tracking Sebastian. He still has Evie." Jace murmured, closing his eyes.

"We clearly can't do this on our own," said Alec, "We're going to need help."

"Help from who?" Clary sighed. "Magnus is our best shot, and last time we went to him for help, Izzy was taken by Giselle. Oh, and what still confuses me is why in the world did Giselle just let her go?"

"Magnus has to help us. Even if we don't like it. We don't have a choice." said Jace, flinching at Alec's torn expression.

"What you said about Giselle, Clary, confuses me too. It doesn't make any sense. It sounds like the warlock went out of her way to capture my sister, and then she just lets her go?" Alec stood up and headed towards Jace.

"What?" Jace still kept his gaze elsewhere.

"You." Alec crosses his arms. "What are you looking at?"

"Evie was taken the same night she went out to buy a book. At that bookstore. I'm wondering if there's any link." He ran his hands through his already-messy hair.

"We should go there." Clary added swiftly. "With Isabelle. If there are any demons, we'd be able to tell with her necklace and-"

"And we'd be one step closer to finding Evelyn." Jace smiled.


After sauntering through the forest for what felt like hours, Evie and Sebastian found a snow-covered bench. There was no pathway or trail to lead them to it, yet strangely enough, the wooden bench looked as if it really belonged with the towering trees. Trudging towards it, Evie couldn't help but notice the little basket that sat on the floor, beside the bench. It too, was caked with snow.

"A winter wonderland." she whispered to herself.

"Sit." He picked up the basket just as she lowered herself to sit on the bare part of the bench. Evie wrapped her arms around herself. "I've been wondering..."

"Mm?" She gazed at him.

"What are your feelings for me? If you have any, that is." He kept his expression neutral, but she could tell what was hiding in his eyes. Hope.

"Want me to be completely honest?" she asked. He nodded. "I don't know what I feel for you. At times you make me smile, but other times you make me want to scream in your face. That kiss...I don't know why I kissed back. It was probably an 'in the moment' sort of thing," or at least that what I keep telling myself.

She glued her eyes to a nearby tree, afraid to meet his black ones. Fear of embarrassment clouded her and she winced as her cheeks began to burn. It was so awkward.

"Evelyn, look at me." Sebastian gently touched her blushing cheek. She didn't. "Evelyn."

"Sebastian." Evie closed her eyes, taking deep breaths. Her heart was a horse, racing to the finish line.

"You don't trust me." It wasn't a question. But her eyes opened to meet his for a second before he crashed his lips against hers.

Despite her shock, Evie kissed back. His lips were surprisingly warm. Hers were cold. Her hands cupped his face and pulled him closer; she wanted him closer. But as quick as it came, the kiss ended. As Sebastian locked his gaze with hers, he resisted the sudden urge to forget every deal he was committed to and just kiss Evelyn until he has forgotten the world.

"I'm pretty sure that wasn't just an "in the moment" sort of thing," Sebastian smirked.

"Fine. It wasn't."

"So..." he looked down.

"Sebastian, I do trust you," she whispered, as if talking to herself. "I just don't know if that's what I'm supposed to be doing."

"It doesn't matter if it's actually right or wrong. How does it feel?" His eyes studied her for a little while before he began to search the basket. He took something out. Carefully, he dropped something into her hands. It was a bracelet. The metal was silver and the gemstone was an amethyst. "To match your amulet."

In any other situation she would have slapped him and demanded how he knew about her amulet. Only right then, she couldn't. Instead, she let the tears fall as her hands clutched the bracelet to her chest. She leaned forward to kiss him once more. "Thank you."


"Tell me darling, how is the plan going so far?" The Seelie Queen rolled on top of the boy, a wicked smile illuminating her gracefully sharp features. His calloused hands came up to grip her bare hips.

"My beautiful one," Sebastian placed his lips close to hers. "It's better than what we expected." A chuckle escaped from within her.

"Tell me more..." She murmured as he rose to kiss her.


I know, I'm evil. But this little "thing" between Seb and the Seelie Queen is a massive part of the story. He's doing this for a reason (which you'll find out soon).

So yeah, that's it for this chapter. I'm so greatly, deeply, incredibly sorry for not updating sooner. I don't know why I haven't brought myself to publish this.

Also, I'm in shock! 1.5k reads and 75 votes?! I'm so grateful, I really want to hug all of you right now. Especially to the voters and dedicated readers. Thank you and love you!

Anyways, a thousand times goodnight! Go ahead and let the werewolves bite *wink wink* (it's a full moon in case you weren't aware) <3 <3

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