24. Finale

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Finally, the predator deserted its prey. Its prey was a fair haired boy, completely ridden of his demonic roots. Any ties to evil had been severed by the power of the heavenly fire. All that was left was a body. Inside that body was a soul, a soul far too weak to survive in the harshness of the world. Evie's heart ached at the sight.

Sebastian was gone, for good.

"Jonathan?" Evie cradled his immobile body. Despite his lack of movement, she knew he was still alive. Her heart told her so. "Please."

He laid still in her arms, making no attempt to assure her that he was alive. As each desperate second passed, the more anxious Evie felt. It wasn't long until seconds became minutes; minutes were morphing into hours. It felt like eternity. But the moment he opened his eyes, the tower of doubt shattered.

"I'm sorry," Evie choked on her tears. Her hand came up to stroke his cold cheek. "I don't know what I could possibly do to show you just how sorry I am."

"Evelyn," his luminous green eyes stared deeply into her brown ones. "You don't have to be sorry. I never deserved to live. I've only brought misery and corruption to this world, I'm merely a walking plague."

"Don't you dare say that." she gripped his hand tighter. "You're Jonathan. You're not evil. You're going live."

"No I won't," he coughed, "The heavenly fire has burned out everything evil in me. Sebastian Morgenstern was evil. That's all we've ever known."

"But you're not evil." she cried.

"I'm not evil. But I'm barely good." he let out a weak breath, Evie leaning her head on his chest.

"I wish," a faint voice behind them gradually grew louder. "I wish for a life in which I could live with my brother."

"Clary?" Evie's head lifted, her tears never-ending.

Clary's red hair appeared slightly dishevelled, her eyes reflecting the same light as her dying brother's. With a sigh, she lost her grip on the stele. The one she used to kill Sebastian. She felt no guilt. He deserved to die. But Jonathan also deserved to live.

Her breath hitched as he stared into her eyes. "Little sister."

He didn't sound like Sebastian. Gone was the charm. The underlying sense of mischief could not be detected. He sounded genuine. He was Jonathan Christopher. She closed her eyes. "I already have." Pushing herself off the floor, Clary gave him a small smile as he returned his gaze back to Evie.

"I wasn't good for you." He tucked a stray hair behind her ear. "Find someone who deserves you."

"You. I choose you."

"Evelyn, a second chance is all I asked for. An angel is what I received. You were the only one who really saw me before today. For that I'm forever grateful." With his hands in hers, and his eyes glowing and pure, Jonathan withdrew his last breath and his soul was finally released from its cage. 

Rays of sun pooled around them as the cave began to vanish. Evie turned her head. On the floor were red robes. Gradually each one caught fire. It didn't take long for any trace of them to be gone. The darkness lost its battle against the light, taking its sombre clouds with them. Ashes were no more. Instead, what fell from the sky were petals. These petals descended from fully blossomed trees.

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