21. Torn

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"Saphira?" Someone from behind called. She turned at the sound of her name and couldn't believe what she was seeing. Evelyn Rosewell, her parabatai. With dishevelled hair, red cheeks and watering eyes, Evie rushed towards her other half. Saphira let out a cry as she hugged Evie. "By the Angel, you're alive. You're here."

"Ev," Saphira pulled away from the hug, "I want to scream at you for leaving, but I don't have the energy to be angry."

Evie smiled through tears. "You have every right to be mad. What I did wasn't fair to-"

"Your warlock has already told me everything Ev, you don't need to explain anything." Saphira closed her eyes. "So have your friends." She nodded to the residents of the New York Institute. Alec had his arm around his sister, who watched the scene fondly with her hand in Simon's. Clary and Jace stood a comfortable distance away from each other.

With reluctance, Evie took a few steps away from her parabatai. But the reluctance left as soon as she was met with a hug from Isabelle. Then it was Simon, then Clary and soon after Evie was the centre of a big hug. They all fell into laughter.

"Sorry to ruin the moment," Ren, who Evie temporarily forgot about, came into the room with a frown, "But there's trouble in Idris. And all of us need to go, now."

Isabelle pouted as she nudged Evie. "Your boyfriend is so serious."

"He's not my boyfriend...anymore." She replied, ignoring the tightening of Ren's lips. "Now, where's my seraph blade?"

"There!" Jace pointed at a group of people, their faces and bodies hidden behind red robes. The Endarkened. Once they were loyal Shadowhunters, who fought against demons. That was until the Infernal Cup altered them completely; any reminiscence of their former selves were completely destroyed. They were the new enemies of the Nephilim.

Evie's breath hitched as the crowd of Endarkened divided in the centre, exposing the presence of a pale-haired, onyx-eyed man. The man who listened as she poured out her heart and soul. The man who promised to always be there for her. The man that she left.

"It's so nice to see you all again." Though he spoke to everyone on the other side, his eyes were on Evie.

"Sebastian." Clary called. "Leave."

"Unfortunately, my little sister, that's not going to happen." He smiled a wicked smile. "I've told you before, I am going to raise Hell. And I've never been more determined."

The Nephilim unsheathed their seraph blades. Several angel names were called out, lighting up the blades and readying them for a fight. The Endarkened took out their own weapons. Everyone calculated the fields, determined to find the best area to engage in combat. Everyone had their eyes on their opponent. Everyone except for two.

Sebastian pointed at the Nephilim. "Go." With that simple, one-worded order, all of the wild horses broke free from their reins. Jace followed Clary, protecting her from any unaware attacks. Simon used his vampire speed to lead the Endarkened on a chase as Isabelle caught them with her whip. Behind a boulder was Alec. Every few seconds, he would push himself off the ground and release a few arrows. Each one hit their target.

"Why?" Sebastian shouted. He ran his hands through his hair as Evie walked to him. "Why did you break your promise?"


"We spent that night together and the next morning you said that you'll never leave me." He took hold of her arms. "You lied."

"I-" She gasped as his eyes flickered between green and black.

"Don't." He pushed her away and raised his arms. "I know. I'm not worthy. I've never been worthy of anything in this life. But I thought I could have a chance at love. I still can't believe I fell for you, Evelyn. Unrequited love is a bitch."

"That's not true."

"Which one? That I'm worth nothing or that you don't love me?"

"Both!" she cried.

He looked liked he'd been stabbed in the chest. "You love me?"

Before she could say anything else, an Endarkened tripped her up from behind. He cried aloud as Evie took a dagger from her boot and buried it deep into his thigh. The man quickly retreated. She whirled around to face Sebastian. But he wasn't there.

A hand shot out to grasp Evie's shoulder. Sebastian. His eyes stopped flickering; they were black.  He punched Evie in the abdomen, laughing as she dropped to the ground. "Fight me."

She looked up. "No."

He pulled his fist back for another hit though it never reached her. Ren twisted his wrist, instantly bringing his knee up to Sebastian's groin. "Don't touch her again."

"She isn't yours." Sebastian growled. He took out his own weapon and faced Ren. Immediately, the two were locked in combat. Every few moments, Sebastian would have the upper hand, but Ren was skilled at deflecting his attacks. In one swift motion, Sebastian swung his sword across Ren's chest. Ren dropped his weapon; Evie cried out. Without a second thought, she took her seraph blade, called out an angel's name and blocked Sebastian's next blow. His eyes gave away a flash of surprise. "You care for him."

"More than I do for you, Sebastian." She twisted away from their clashing weapons and kicked his arm. His sword flew from his hands to where Clary and Jace were. Sebastian put his hands in the air and laughed. Ren rose to his feet and positioned himself beside her. One hand held his blade, the other was pressed against his chest. Evie tried her best to mask her fury.

Sebastian's face was a devoid of emotion. "I was fool."

"Guys!" It was Clary. A few feet away from them was a portal. "Hurry!"

Ren and Evie took off in a sprint. Once they reached the portal, Evie made the mistake of looking behind. She didn't even take a second to glimpse at the sea of dead bodies which surrounded her. What had caught her attention was Sebastian. He hadn't moved an inch. But it wasn't his stillness that had struck a chord within her. It was his expression. He looked... betrayed.

Before she knew it someone had pulled her arm, leading her away from the battlefield and into their sanctuary.


Ugh I'm such a procrastinator. But I really want to upload the last few chapters ASAP because when school comes back, I'm going to have very little time to write and update.

Worries aside, by the angel, 3.9k reads?? 194 votes?? When I started this book, I never expected to get anymore than 2k reads and 50 votes. Thank you so much; I feel like I can never thank you guys enough. Despite all the stress that comes with writing an ongoing story, the support from you has been worth it. Most definitely.

There are 4 more chapters left until the end of Evie and Sebastian's story. Even though it's the summer holidays, I'm being a introverted nerd by studying, watching movies and writing books instead of going out camping, or to the beaches, etc. I hope your summer holidays have been going well so far! I'm determined to update by next week (but I cannot guarantee this). Thank you thank you thank you, and farewell! 😘💎🌟

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