20. Catching Up

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"You're here." Evie sat in her seat, still as a statue. It had been five minutes, and the information still hadn't been fully processed in her brain. Ren. He's here. "Why?"

"Unfortunately, I can't tell you anything until we meet up with Saphira. She's in the park." Evie found his reply to be shockingly nonchalant.

She took a small sip from her cup of coffee, giving herself another moment to take in what Ren had just said. "Saphira."

"The one and only." He leaned his forearms against the table. "You still remember her, right?"

Evie's expression instinctively turned deadpanned. "No, why in the world would I remember my parabatai. It's not like they're important or anything."

"Okay okay, enough with the sarcasm." He stopped smiling as he took some time to study her. It had been years since he last saw his girlfriend. "You left so suddenly. The most we received from you was a message from that warlock saying you're in good hands."

Evie sighed, massaging her temples. This was the last thing she needed. "I'm so sorry. I really am."

"You didn't even say goodbye."

"Ren." She took his hand. "Please believe me when I say that I did want to say goodbye. I didn't have a choice."

"Bullshit." He ruffled his black hair. Evie had to reel her shock; Ren wasn't the type to swear. "Everyone has a choice. You think you didn't have a choice. But you did. And you decided to take the easy way out and run away."

"I missed you." She said softly.

"Changing the topic already?" He raised his eyebrows.

"I'm emotionally distraught and confused as can be, so I'm sorry if I seem a bit...off." She rubbed her eye, but was careful to not smudge her mascara.

He leaned in. "Yeah, Saphira and I heard about the whole Sebastian Morgenstern incident."

"How?" she leaned in as well.

"Your friends from the NY Institute have been sending messages to other Institutes on the fact that Sebastian has taken you. Imagine the response from everyone at the Manila Institute." He crossed his arms. "Now if you're ready, we need to meet Saphira in the park."

"Um yeah, let's go." She took a five dollar bill from the pocket of her coat and dropped it onto the table. Her fell upon her mocha and she couldn't help but frown; Her drink had gone cold due to her conversation with Ren. Just as she stood up, Evie felt a deep pounding against her chest and instinctively searched the area. No one was in the cafe. Apart from Evie and Ren. She turned to him.

Ren could see the violet amulet glowing in her chest and cursed. "Demon."

"Where did the customers go?" Evie bit her lip. "Where's the staff?"

"You don't know what you've done." The Shadowhunters faced the source of sound, which came from behind them in the form of an average middle-aged man. But Evie wasn't fooled. She took one step towards him, causing a paroxysm from her amulet.

"Eidolon." Ren growled.

"Well done." the demon tilted his head. "If it isn't the infamous Reneth Verano. You caused a bit of a stir back in Manila. How many demons have you killed in the past year?"

"142." He lifted his chin. Respect blossomed from Evie's chest. She'd barely slayed 50.

"Ah, yes. You're quite the threat to our kind." His ability to stand completely still, appeared unnatural.

"Our?" Evie lifted a brow.

"Yes." He smiled malevolently, taking one step to his right. The door to the kitchen. In less than a second the door broke off of its hinges. Splinters flew everywhere and Ren quickly took Evie into his arms. They looked up and gasped.

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