3. Predator and Prey

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"What are you doing here?" Evie held her head high as her shaking hands clutched the book tighter to her chest, battling the feeling of fear which threatened to take over. She used the hair that whipped around her as an advantage; to hide her terrified expression. He leered at her.

"I'm here to see your pretty face of course!" Sebastian replied in mock cheerfulness. The smile that was stretched out on his face was forced. Their faces were merely a few inches apart, though their eyes did not lock. Evie made sure of that.

Suddenly, he started to circle her. His once charming demeanour was replaced with a dangerous gracefulness, one that reminded Evelyn of a wolf or a snake. Both animals were fierce, deadly creatures and Sebastian Morgenstern wasn't any less. The taunting way he circled her struck a new wave of angst, and she refused to look at him. Evie managed to keep herself completely still.

Lean arms came around her waist as Sebastian placed his lips very close to her ear. "You will be the one to deliver this message to your friends, my sweet." His lips brushed her ear ever so briefly. "Tell them that they are hopeless. Already have I planned out who I'm going to take down and when. Nowhere is safe, not even the Glass City. I have sent my demons and they are coming for you. You're delusional to think you have a chance against me. Just give up already."

"Before we've even started?" Evie eyebrows rose in a challenging manner. Confidence filled her. Turning to face him, she smiled sweetly. "I think you're the one who is delusional, believing Shadowhunters are weak. Don't be a hypocrite."

He twisted her whole body towards him, the hold on her arms was a numbing sensation. Her face turned away from his. "Such a bold statement, from such an innocent little girl." Evie wanted to scream at him, to fight back. But when she turned her head, ready to stand her ground, Sebastian was no longer there.


Everyone stared at her in disbelief. They all sat in the Institute library, apart from Evie who stood before them, repeating Sebastian's message. Clary pushed herself up from a wooden chair and sighed. "What are we going to do?"

"Wait!" cried Isabelle. All eyes were on her, but hers were on Evie. "He didn't hurt you did he?"

"No." But he did scare me! In order to avoid eye contact with anyone in the room, Evie eyes skittered over the carpet, to the mahogany table, to the bookcases. No one seemed to notice.

Jace rubbed his eyes wearily. "We can't get a break from him can we?"

"Remember the angel's blood message? 'Erchomai' I am coming." Alec pointed out.

"Okay why don't we all get some rest before we figure out something to take that bastard down?" Isabelle suggested. A low murmur of agreement was shared. Everyone was worn out, especially Evie. Slender fingers gently massaged her temples as she focused on her breathing. She could only take so much.

"Goodnight guys." With that she took off. Opening her bedroom door she saw a grey blob move on her bed. Church. The grumpy little cat stretched his little legs, jumped off her bed and trotted out, with no care in the world. Evie loved Church. But her mind couldn't function properly as she flopped onto her bed. Once her face hit the crumpled duvet, she gave in and fell asleep.


Onyx eyes examined the room through an unlatched window. Evie, who snored softly, slept in the same clothes she had on when Sebastian met her. She was probably too tired to change them. He rubbed the side of his face, cringing at the feel of his stubble.

Footsteps echoed from the hallway, they were light and slow. "Female." Sebastian murmured as he swiftly darted to the left. Once his back met the cold wall of the Institute building, a sigh escaped from his pale lips. The sound of the door opening had him lowering the sound of his breathing.

"Evie?" It was Clary. He shut his eyes, fury and lust rising as he heard her speak. "Oops, you're asleep." He had expected her to leave straight away, but there weren't any retreating footsteps. She was still there. What is she doing? he asked himself. But the thought fled as quick as Clary did.

When the door gave an audible click, Sebastian pushed the window, slid into the room and smirked. That was easy. Not bothering to lighten his steps, he had drawn the silent rune only half an hour before, he made his way to Evie's occupied bed.

Sebastian took time to study her. Evie's face was a void of any make-up. She slept stomach down, one leg curled up whilst the other dangled a bit over the side. Both of her arms were beside her head, which was resting on her right cheek. Her pink mouth was in a small O shape. Despite her ruffled clothes and messy hair, she managed to put a spell over Sebastian. A spell of peace.

After a minute, Evie began to stir as she felt something pound against her throat. Sebastian smirked and leaned towards her. "So graceful."

Immediately her eyes fluttered open and she gave a small gasp. Sitting up she scowled at him. "What the hell are you doing here?" Her eyes held his gaze steadily. "How did you even get in?"

"The window." he said, nonchalantly.

She pointed at the window. "Get out."

"Why?" He crossed his arms.

"Because...you're here to kill us." Evie mentally face-palmed herself for the lame comeback.

"Then why would I leave?" He tilted his head to the side, a stray strand of white hair falling into his eyes.

"Just get get out. Now." Evie kept her cool, but she knew it wasn't going to last. It only took her a couple more seconds of glaring at him before she grabbed the seraph blade under her pillow and swung. But she wasn't able to get a hit for quicker than a flash, he had whipped out his out sword and blocked her blow.

"Tsk tsk. Bad girl, didn't know you had it in you." Taking her wrist in his free hand, he pulled her towards him. Evie stumbled off of the bed and screamed as she fell to the floor. Just as he drew his sword back, Evie kicked his shin and he lost his balance. She used the same leg to slide his fallen sword towards her. But as soon as her skin came into contact with the weapon, it formed a deep red wound. She dropped it and hissed. Sebastian noticed her edging away from him as he stood and smirked. He took his sword and in one fluid motion, slashed at her leg. It was an excruciating sensation as the burn travelled from her calf to her torso. Evie managed a brief cry of distress before she couldn't take any more and passed out.

With no warning, the door flew open and a group of four fully-geared Shadowhunters ran in. At the sight of an unconscious Evie bleeding, Jace threw a dagger, aiming at Sebastian's shoulder. Bullseye. But just before any of them could inflict more harm, Sebastian took Evie into his arms and vanished.

"No!" Clary lunged at the spot where he had stood only to grasp at air. Everyone stared at the pool of crimson which struck them with the feelings of loss, confusion and fury.

He took Evie.

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