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"Maybe it is a bad idea."

"It is definitely a bad idea."

"You are not helping, you know?"

"You asked for an honest opinion. I gave you one. It's not my fault you didn't like it."

At that answer, Sam sighed. He should have expected. Not only was Ylina not up for any kind of jokes for the past couple of days, she was also a Northern at heart and Sam, while living in Hornhill, heard all about the Northern way of dealing with things: harsh and direct, like the environment they lived in.

"You want to take Gilly to Mole's Town." Ylina said, her eyes never once leaving the book in front of her. "Why?"

"She's not safe here." The young man mumbled.

"And she'll be safe in Mole's Town?"

"Half of the man in here are rapists, my lady."

"And Mole's Town is a whoring house." The girl rolled her eyes, placing the feather she had been using to write down. "What makes Mole's Town safer than here?"

"Mole's Town has more women."

"Who sell their bodies for food and shelter."

"Gilly won't do it." Sam countered, causing Ylina to raise an eyebrow at him. "I'll take her there so she can cook and clean and care for the other girls' babies."

"That's exactly what she's doing here." Ylina said. "So why bother?"

"With all due respect, my lady, you could be the only girl in here and no one would dare touch you. You are a lady. A Northern lady no less. If anyone should ever try grabbing you or doing anything you didn't like, Lord Commander Thorne would have their heads." Sam frowned. "Gilly doesn't have that protection."

"She has my protection. She has yours."

Ylina turned her eyes from Sam and back toward the book that she had been translating for quite some time now.

"Again, I mean no disrespect, my lady, but that protection is clearly not enough." Sam mumbled. "She was cornered by some of the brothers a few nights ago in the kitchen, if it wasn't for Daria, she would've... They would have..."

Sam shuddered. Ylina sighed gently.

"Very well, she has Daria's protection then." Ylina said. "In Mole's Town she won't have it. And even if you pay the owner of the establishment for every day she spends there, or how many dishes she washes, they will find some other job for her to do."

"There will be no other job." Sam frowned, growing protective.

"It will if you take her to Mole's Town."

Sam huffed, annoyed. Ylina didn't even bother looking at him. She still had her eyes glued to her book, trying to remember what one particular word meant. She could tell Sam was trying to find other arguments to argue with her, but, before he could, they heard the horn blowing outside. Ylina lifted her head then, looking at Sam, as they fell silent, expecting another blow. But it never came.

"Riders." Sam announced, before running out of the library.

Ylina followed close behind, her high heeled boots echoing around in the corridors until they were out into the catwalk, in front of the gates. Ylina's eyes quickly searched for Jon and when she found him, standing a few meters away from her in the middle of the snowy grounds of Castle Black, he looked at her and placed a hand on the handle of his sword as the gates were opened. Thankfully, it was the South gate which meant a lesser chance of a wildling attack, but still, the brothers of the watch never let their guard down.

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