Children and the gods

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Jon grew silent after his sister was done talking. Looking down at her, he could tell she was still conflicted, but she kept her head held high and her back straightened as if she needed to prove to Jon she was strong. He almost scoffed at that. She didn't need to prove him anything. After all, it's not like he ever doubted it. Still, he kept his voice soft as he spoke, probably not wanting to sound accusatory or harsh.

"So you changed your mind?" He asked, as Ylina rolled her eyes.

"After all I just told you, this is what you conclude?"

"Well, that is the important part."

Scoffing, Ylina crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"I had to." She admitted finally. "But if Stannis marches to Winterfell now, he will still lose. If he gives me time, however, I can rally all the other houses to my cause and then we win."

"Your cause?" Jon frowned. "Stannis won't grant the North independence like you want."

"I know..." She sighed. "But if I don't want the North to fall into the first civil war ever since Bran, the Builder, I'll have to pledge my loyalty to Stannis and support his claim to the throne. Besides... I just want to go home. I want to save Sansa and offer her the safety she has been lacking ever since she left Winterfell almost three years ago."

Nodding his head, Jon placed his hands on Ylina's cheeks, forcing the girl to look up at him as her clear grey eyes met his slightly darker ones.

"It's the right thing to do, Lina." He whispered, before smiling down at her sister. "Robb would have been proud of you."

Biting her lip, Ylina nodded at Jon, before her eyes fell on Tormund, walking behind him and out through the Northern gate. As her eyes found Jon's again, she grabbed his hands from her cheeks and pulled them down, before letting them go.

"And you are really going North of the Wall, huh?"

"I need to help the wildlings, Lina. They are people, like us. And if the army of the dead reach them, I..."

"You don't have to justify yourself to me, Jon." Ylina assured. "I trust you."

"So you're not angry at me for doing that?" He asked, as the girl frowned.

"Angry? Why would I be angry?"

"Some people are." Jon sighed, looking from the corner of his eyes to Olly, who stood in front of his office's door with a hard expression. Ylina sighed. "I'm afraid he'll never forgive me."

"Wildlings are people." Ylina whispered. "I've met one and she became one of my closest friends and most trusted confidant. Of course, as people, some of them aren't as... Friendly as the others, but they do deserve to live. And if what you tell me about the army of the dead is true..."

"It is." He nodded, as Ylina smiled weakly.

"Then I don't wish that end for anyone." She said. "Not even the worst of my enemies."

At that, Jon chuckled, thankful that at least his sister was on his side for this. Still, as she smiled up at him, he couldn't help but wonder if that would be the last time he would ever see that smile. So, if it was, he wanted it to be as big as it possibly could.

"Not even Joffrey?" He mocked as Ylina scoffed, rolling her eyes with an amused smile in her lips.

"Oh, Joffrey can burn in his seven hells for all I care." She mumbled, pulling a laugh out of Jon as she smiled up at him.

Before her brother could speak up again, however, one of his brothers call out for him and, looking over his shoulder at him, he nods, before looking back at Ylina. In silence, Jon pulled the girl in for a tight hug and as she clung to his coat with all her might, Jon squeezed her against his body before pulling back to press a kiss to her forehead.

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