If he falls

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Ylina didn't even lift her eyes from her book when she heard the library door being pushed open, after all, it most likely wasn't for her anyway.

"Maester Aemon." One of the younger brothers said, standing by the door as the old blond man waved him forward. "A letter from King's Landing."

Extending his hand toward the boy, the Maester waited for him to put the rolled paper there before smiling at him gently.

"Thank you, brother Ryon. You may go now." He said, as the boy bowed slightly despite knowing the Maester couldn't see it, leaving as soon as he could not even bothering sparing Ylina a glance.

As soon as the door was closed, Maester Aemon lifted the scroll in his hands and pointed it in the direction he knew Ylina was sat on. When he smiled at her, the girl chuckled, picking up Embar in her lap to place him against her hip as she walked toward the Maester and pulled up a chair to sit beside him, Embar still in her arms.

"May I?" Ylina asked gently, as she grabbed the letter from the Maester's hand.

In response, he only nodded, expecting to hear Ylina's calming tone once more as she read out loud the contents of the letter, but, instead, he heard the familiar, happy tone of Embar's voice.

"Hand!" He said, pointing to the figure drawn upon the red seal. "Hand of the King."

"That's it, sweet. Really good." Ylina praised as Embar smiled up at her. "It's a letter from the Hand of the King. Whoever it might be these days..."

"Ylina..." Maester Aemon reprimanded as the girl shrugged her shoulders, opening the letter and unrolling it.

"Last I knew, Tywin Lannister was Hand of the King. He's dead now and I have no idea who filled the post next. Certainly some Lannister or another, if not Cersei herself."

"Put yourself in her position. Who would you entrust to advice and work so closely of your son if he ever found himself being King at such a young age?" The Maester said, trying to argue against Ylina's always so evident hatred for the Lannisters every time they were brought up in a conversation.

Of course he understood her motives and he would never blame her for holding so much against the royal family, but sometimes, Maester Aemon wished Ylina would stay clear from all the business down south. He had been living just fine without all of the lies and games the high lords played, but he knew Ylina was different. She was brought up to understand the game and, for the words that had been leaving her mouth for the past weeks, she seemed rather eager to start playing already.

"It is the duty of the King to appoint a Hand he feels will work well with him and keep the good of the realm in their minds at all times." Ylina retorted, as Maester Aemon sighed.

"King Tommen is young."

"He's old enough to make his own decisions."

"A boy that age could be easily manipulated."

"Keeping that viper he calls a mother around him will definitely make that process a lot easier."

"He is a child."

"And so was I. But I had to grow up. I don't see why King Tommen can't." She rolled her eyes, breathing heavily as Maester Aemon grew silent. "May I read the letter, then? I have no wish to argue with you right now, Maester."

With a nod of his head, he let her know he was in agreement with her.

"To Maester Aemon, of Castle Black. It is my duty as Hand to inform you and all your brothers about the situation of the realm and of any possible threats to our Kingdom. And the biggest of them all at the present moment, is Daenerys Targaryen, across the Narrow Sea. And though Daenerys maintains her grip on Slaver's Bay, forces rise against her from within and without." She read it out, taking a moment to understand all the words that had just left her lips. "She refuses to leave until the freedom of the former slaves is secure."

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