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Ylina smiled as she watched Maester Aemon sitting in his bed with Embar on his lap as he recited the whole story of Balerion, the Black Dread, and how, with Aegon the Conqueror in his back, he seize the whole territory of Westeros. As she watched them both laugh and enjoy each other's company, Ylina sat in a chair, a few feet away from them with a cup of tea on the table beside her, Daria laying at her feet and the letter of response to her own that Lord Brandon Norrey was so kind and quick to send.

After the quick message expressing how relieved he was in hearing Ylina was actually alive and offering her shelter and food at his table should she ever need it, he also gave her information that, otherwise, Ylina would have never gotten.

The Freys rule over the Riverlands, my lady, but it is clear they lack any kind of ability to do so. Many of the Great Houses down south are planning on rebelling. The Blackfish is alive, hidden somewhere, probably waiting for the best moment to come back, but it is words on your Uncle that worry me, sweet Lady. It is said Lord Edmure Tully is under the hold of the Freys since the tragedy that was the Red Wedding. Some people say his wife and child live as well, but of this I cannot inform you.

As Ylina read the letter, she felt sorry for her Uncle. She had seen Edmure in rare occasions. He was a fool, there was no denying that, but his nature was kind and gentle. If he had been within the hold of the Freys ever since the Red Wedding almost two years before, she didn't even want to think about in what kind of situation he found himself in. And his wife and child... Poor things... Them she didn't know, but no child deserved to be punished like that. The one good news that came from Lord Brandon's letter, however, was that her Mother's Uncle, known as the Blackfish, the legendary fighter, was alive and well. Or as well as someone holding their own castle against invaders as a protest against the current leige lord of the Riverlands could possibly be.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Frowning slightly, she looked at Maester Aemon, as Daria lifted her head just slightly.

"Are you expecting anyone, Maester?" Ylina asked, as the old man shook his head.

"No, but would you be so kind of seeing who it is, please?"

And with a nod of her head, Ylina was up in her feet, walking toward the door with Daria close behind her. She had expected some brother of the Wall to be standing there, maybe even Jon, worried that the Maester didn't attend the meeting that afternoon. But never in her life would she have guessed Ser Davos would have been the one knocking at Maester Aemon's door in that moment.

"Ser Davos." She said, her tone unable to hide her surprise.

"My lady." He responded with a nod of his head and a smile on his lips. "King Stannis requested your presence, if it pleases."

"Hum..." She hummed, looking back at Maester Aemon, as he waved his hand, dismissively.

"You can go if you so desire, Ylina. Your son and I still have a lot to talk about regarding Balon, the Dread."

Looking at Embar for a confirmation, she chuckled, unsurprised when her son didn't even look at her. It was always this way, whenever Maester Aemon was around, Mama came in second position, always. Sighing, she turned back to Ser Davos, knowing she could leave Embar alone with Maester Aemon for a few minutes, but scared of what the King could possibly want with her now.

"Ser Davos, with all due respect, I have already gave my answer to the King and all the explanation that needed to be done, so I don't see the point of..."

"His grace only wishes to speak with you, my lady. No need to be afraid." Ser Davos interrupted her, as she raised an eyebrow at the man.

"Your King burned alive the last man who refused his call." Ylina retorted. "Excuse me for being cautious."

The wolves of Castle Black - Book 2 - GoTWhere stories live. Discover now