Pretty words

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Ylina stood by the entrance of her chambers, near the railing of the catwalk as she watched Stannis reuniting his men in the courtyard of Castle Black. She watched as two young boys, most likely squires, mounted their horses in front of the whole group, carrying Stannis banners with them. She watched as the white flags with the imposing stag in front of a flaming heart swayed in the cold air of the North. After them, came two soldiers, also mounted in their horses and, right after, the Queen and the Princess. Ylina watched on as Ser Davos helped the young girl over her horse and as he was about to leave, her voice made him stop and turn around to face her.

"Do you think Father will let me go down into the crypt?" She asked as Ylina's grip on the railings grew suddenly tighter.

"Beg your pardon?" The knight asked as Shireen looked at him with her usual kind smile.

"At Winterfell." She said. "All the Kings in the North are buried there. Bran the Builder and King Dorren and..."

"First things first. It's a long march ahead." Ser Davos interrupted her, before lifting his head so his eyes would meet Ylina's as the next words left his lips. "And then we have to take the castle."

Breathing heavily, Ylina realized Ser Davos didn't mean to spite her with her words. On the contrary, actually. It felt almost like he was still hoping Ylina would change her mind. When the girl lifted her chin slightly, but kept her eyes on his, Ser Davos felt almost uncomfortable, but, thankfully, Princess Shireen spoke up again and his attention could be drawn elsewhere without it being rude to the Lady Stark.

"Is there going to be a battle?" Shireen asked, as Ser Davos nodded at her.

"Aye, princess, but you won't be anywhere near..."

"That's enough talk of battle, Ser Davos." The Queen interrupted the knight. "You'll scare the child."

"Yes, my queen." Ser Davos nodded at the woman before Shireen looked down at him from her horse.

"I'm not scared." She smirked at the man.

"Well, I am." The man admitted, looking up at the young child. "When the battle comes, promise you'll protect me."

Smiling at the man, Shireen nodded, quite proudly.

"I promise."

With a nod of his head, Ser Davos walked away from the Princess and before Ylina could even start to wonder where he went, her attention was drawn to Jon, as he walked out of his office with Stannis, talking lowly among themselves, most likely about the ship the King had lended to Jon's mission of going North.

As she watched the two of them, Ylina didn't even notice a figure approaching. It wasn't until he called out to her that she spun around in her feet, only to end up face to face with the Onion Knight himself.

"Lady Stark." He bowed slightly as the girl watched him carefully. "My apologies. I didn't mean to scare you, my lady."

"Ser Davos." She responded. "No need for apologies. I was rather distracted, after all."

With another silent nod, Ser Davos walked to stand beside Ylina by the railing. Resting her hands against it, she allowed herself to run her eyes over Stannis' party. She bit her lip, uncomfortable with the silence, but unsure on how to fill it.

"You are going then." She finally decided to say. "Marching down to Winterfell."

"Aye, my lady."

"Any other House joined your cause?"


"And you will still march on?"

"King Stannis wants to be in the throne as soon as possible. We can't wait any longer."

The wolves of Castle Black - Book 2 - GoTWhere stories live. Discover now