Blood of the Northmen

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Davos couldn't believe what was happening right in front of his eyes. Not only did the Red Woman suggested burning Princess Shireen alive, both Stannis and that crazy wife of his had agreed to it. Now, while the young girl cried and pleaded for her parents, Davos could see Selyse struggling to get to her daughter but being stopped by some of Stannis' soldiers, much like himself.

Sure he knew that even if he did somehow managed to cut through the line of people standing in between him and the pyre the Princess was in, he would have never been able to do anything else. After all, the fire was already consuming the poor girl as she struggled against her restraints and cried for her Father.

Her Father... Davos thought of Stannis a friend. He believed he would be a good king, but now, watching as he did nothing to help his daughter as she burned, Davos couldn't believe he had ever considered following such a man. He knew Stannis was slowly descending into madness as he kept listening again and again to Melisandre's advice, but Davos couldn't lie. He had seen what she was capable of. After she gave birth to a shadow baby who killed Renly Baratheon and promised Stannis to have Joffrey Baratheon and Robb Stark killed after she used leechers with Gendry Baratheon's blood, he too had started to believe in her. Not like his son used to believe in her and her lord, but enough to actually consider what she said.

But burning a child alive? A child no older than 12. How could he? How could his good friend, Stannis Baratheon, who had shown him mercy after punishing him for his crimes, burn his own daughter alive and ignore her cries and pleas? How could he have allowed that Red Priest to take his baby girl to a pyre and stood around to watch as she died? A girl Davos knew he loved, a girl he had plans for, a girl who, despite the fact that she was a girl, he planned on making his heir after making himself King... Now that Shireen was dying, who would he make an heir after sitting on the damned Iron Throne? Another shadow baby from Melisandre and outside his marriage? Or would he try for another child with Selyse? By the way the woman fought against the soldiers to get her daughter after regretting her decision, Davos was sure she would never let Stannis touch her again.

But to hell with Stannis and his claim. To hell with the Iron Throne and the ruling of Westeros. To hell with his position as hand of the King. Davos didn't want it anymore. None of it. All he wanted was to save Shireen. But how could he? He couldn't. He didn't know how to fight and he didn't have the strength. Like Selyse, he had given up fighting, but instead of fainting as his former Queen had done, all he did was closing his eyes as he tried to drown out Shireen's screams and hope for a quick and merciful death for the sweet girl who had taught him how to read and promised to protect him if the battle asked for it.

Oh, how Davos wished he could have protected her instead of just wishing for the gods to have some mercy on the Princess and take her soon. He didn't believe in the seven gods as most people from the South did. He definitely didn't believe in the Lord of Light anymore and he didn't believe in the old gods. But he was in the North now. So if he was going to pray for a blessing, he might as well do it for the entities of the region.

"I'm sorry, Princess..." Davos found himself mumbling with his eyes closed tightly. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you like you would to me. I'm sorry I'm asking for your death, but you have to understand... I just want you to stop suffering, Princess... I want the gods to be merciful to your kind soul..."

And for a second, Davos wasn't sure if he had finally fainted or if the gods had answered his prayers because, as soon as the words left his lips, the screaming stopped.

Frowning deeply, Davos lifted his head, just in time to see Ylina Stark herself, climbing down from her black horse with Daria at her feet and her bow at hands. Davos looked from her to Shireen and when he saw an arrow sticking out from Shireen's chest as she slumped forward against her restraints, everything started to make sense to Davos.

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