The Greentowers

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Ylina wasn't sure what she was doing. She had never travelled with that many people before. All she's ever done was riding through the woods with her son or walking with a small group. But now, with 3,000 men behind her, she had to ride through the main roads of the North. Sure the Boltons were most likely busy dealing with Stannis Baratheon now and none of the men around her was carrying any banners but still, it was far from normal seeing such a large party riding around with armored men with swords and shields. That without mentioning the fact that Ylina still kept her head covered to try and hide her identity for as long as she could. After all, as little people knew about her being alive, the better.

"Where are we heading, my lady?" Ser Davos asked, as he rode his horse just beside Ylina's, at the very front of the party.

"While Stannis was in Castle Black, I communicated with some of the Houses he told me were still loyal to the Starks." She said. "I want to rally them all and, maybe, all the other Houses who remained neutral so we can take Winterfell from the Boltons. For that we need a place to stay, though. I wanted to go to Lady Mormont, but Bear Island is, well... An island, so we can't just ride there. So I figured our best shot were the Flints of the Mountains."

"Do they know who you are?" Davos asked.

"By name." She shrugged. "But we did exchange some letters and they seemed keen on fighting for the North and for Sansa with me so that is the best I could ask for really. Besides... We are close to their seat, so that is a plus. Rider here is getting tired of carrying me around for so long, aren't you?"

As she rubbed her hand against the dark fur of Rider's neck, the horse gave her a happy neigh as she smiled.

"The men are getting tired as well and I know they are getting cold. The snow still hasn't stopped falling, so we need somewhere to rest and get warm, as fast as we possibly can."

Nodding at her, Ser Davos agreed to her plan, happy at the prospect of having a warm place to sleep for a change. As he kept looking at the girl beside him, he noticed how she kept a protective hand wrapped around Embar — who thankfully had been recovering from his fever in the days they have been riding away from Winterfell — as he leaned against her chest, sitting in front of her on their horse while her eyes searched for Daria, who had just come out of the woods to run up to her owner.

"Did you find anything, girl?" She asked down at the wolf and as the beast made a sound from the back of her throat, Ylina somehow understood that answer.

Davos had seen many things in his life, but a girl who could communicate so effectively with a wolf? That was a first. Davos stopped his horse when Ylina did as well as Rider spun the girl around so she was facing the party behind her, Joffrey Velaryon rode from the back and close to Ylina in just a few seconds.

"What is it, my lady?" He asked, as the girl sighed.

"We are close to the mountains now." She told him, as a few of the other lords gathered around her as well. "We are already in the Flints' territory, but their seat is high above. I will see if any of the farmers down here at the foot of the mountain has enough space to fit you all for the night, but I will have to go the Flints with a small group. Any of you would like to go?"

"I will." Davos spoke up and Ylina would be lying if she said she was surprised. "If it pleases, my lady."

"Of course." She nodded at the man before looking at the Southern lords around her. She still didn't feel entirely comfortable around them, but she couldn't complain. None of them have given her reasons to doubt her.

"May I accompany you, my lady?" Lord Adler Hartwig from Spykestorm offered as Ylina nodded.

"And you, Lord Velaryon? Will you accompany me as well?"

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