The wolves of Castle Black

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Her chambers were quite big. Thankfully so as well because, at least, she could play around in her room, chasing Embar to tire him out before bed. They would often do that together. Ylina would crawl around the room, pretending to be after her son as the small boy hobbled around, giggling and yelling "Mama" every time she reached forward to grab him. Ylina would let Embar slip away from her for a while, but every now and again, she would grab him, sitting down on the floor with the kid in her arms, tickling his belly as he squirmed in her grasp.

"Mama! Mama!" He yelled as Ylina smiled widely, her eyes shining with pure adoration.

"Embar..." She responded. "My sweet, sweet Embar."

"Mama..." Embar smiled when his breathing got back to its normal speed. "Night, night."

"Night, night, baby?" She smiled back at him as he got up to his feet in front of her, placing both hands on her cheeks. "Tired already?"

"Night, night." He answered.

"Very well." Ylina smiled, grabbing Embar in her arms as she got up from her place on the floor. "Night, night, then."

Bouncing the boy gently in her arms, Ylina sang whatever tune she remembered from her own young years under her breath, allowing Embar to rest his head against her chest as she lulled him to sleep. As usual, it didn't take long for him to close his eyes, his breathing getting gentler by the second as his hand closed in a fist in her coat.

Ylina giggled as she bent down over her bed, placing the boy over a fur blanket right in the middle of the mattress. The girl was so absorbed in their own little world that she didn't even notice the door of her room being pushed open as a figure slipped inside, grabbing a dress shirt from a table nearby and rolling it up. Ylina placed a kiss to her son's forehead and came back up with her body. As soon as she did, however, she felt herself being pulled back. She tried to scream, but before she could, a piece of cloth was shoved into her mouth as she gagged. She felt a chest pressing against her back and a hand wrapping around her neck. She struggled against her attacker but it was no use since, whoever it was trying to hurt her, was clearly stronger than she was.

"Shh, shh now, my lady." A man spoke, his hot breath close to her ear causing her to whine. "We don't want to wake the baby, do we?"

Ylina fell limp in the man's arms, unable to do anything else. She allowed her attacker to drag her away from the bed and sit her down on a chair she had laying around. She struggled a bit more when the man circled around, holding her wrists tight as he tied her hands in the back of the chair, rendering her helpless.

"A beautiful boy, if you ask me." The man said, walking back around to stand in front of her. As soon as he did, she recognize the man. Her eyes widened and he laughed. "You know who I am, don't you, sweet? Well, that's alright. You won't be able to tell anyone anything. Not even that stupid big brother of yours..."

Ylina whined again, turning her face to the side as Locke dragged his finger over her cheeks. She tried to avoid his touch, but Locke reached for her face, grabbing it tightly in his hands as he forced her to look at him. He smirked as he saw the tears falling down from her red eyes as she gawed in the shirt in her mouth, trying to get a word out, but failing miserably.

"You know... They have promised me lands and titles if I killed you." Locke said, his free hand coming to grab at Ylina's thigh. She whimpered at the unwelcome touch. "If I knew you were so pretty, I would have done it for free."

And when Locke smirked again, he let go of Ylina's face and grabbed her leg instead. Ylina trashed against his grip, trying to get him to let go of her, but while one of his hands held her right leg down, the other moved to the back of her dress to pull at the strings in it harshly as he tried to get it open. Ylina whined again and Locke laughed, a dry and cold laugh. When he pulled the string out of her dress, her corset fell out and then she was covered only with her underdress. Locke licked his lips at the sight and Ylina cried out. When the man reached up to pull Ylina by the hair and get her neck exposed, Ylina took that moment of distraction to kick her leg up and managed to hit him right in between his legs.

The wolves of Castle Black - Book 2 - GoTWhere stories live. Discover now