Chapter 6

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It's been two days since I last visited (Y/n) all alone by the plan that Nejire created and which Mirio force me to be there even I fought back.

I can't get my mind off of how we talked,eat dinner together all alone and sleeping in one room but different bed sheets while she was trying to calm me down by giving me headpats..It's been also weeks since I started this weird unknown certain feelings..Nejire says they I might took a liking on her Aunt and Mirio was giggling about it while I stay confused and to understand how I really felt towards (Y/n).

'Maybe I'm just confused because I always visited her house either alone or with the two..'

"Are you still busy with your intenship,Nejire?"

"Nope,not anymore..I guess I could went home for the dinner and sleep peacefully though since Ms.Ryukyu let me have a break with Ocacho and Tsu."

"That's good..I really have a tough day with Midoriya at the internship with sir."

"How was your internship with Fat gum and Kirishima?"

"It's all g-good..I-I almost l-lost my q-quirk.."

"Oh,yeah I also heard about that from Fat Gum's agency..So you were that person I'm glad that nothing bad happened to you Tamaki."

"Is your quirk still working?"

"Y-Yeah..I-It did d-disappeared but it was j-just a m-minute.."

"We're glad to hear that,anyways Aunt (Y/n) is picking me up since she insisted..Do you guys wanna hang out?"

"I guess I could how about you Tamaki? It's been two days since you last visited her all alone."

"Y-Yeah..I-I g-guess I'll t-tag along.."

The class went along just as usual normal days we had and we have quite lunch as always just the three of us with Mirio and Nejire's brightening aura that I can't keep up but I manage to talk and discuss some things about our internship and they did tease me a bit on what happened two days ago..


"All UA students please gather at the field right away this is very urgent and an emergency please be safe there's a problem so please be at the field right away!"


"Is it the media again? Just like what happened months ago?"

"I guess this time isn't..I don't know if Aunt (Y/n) can wait for us since she texted me she's on her way here."

"I t-think we s-should get g-going to the f-field.."

Both of them nodded as the three of us headed our way to the field as some students were getting nervous and running at the halls and also pushing other students making them stumble to the ground.

'S-So many p-people..—'


There was a bullet that shoot inside the building and it made a hole inside making the students more scared and pushing each other.




"Tamaki! Mirio! Where are you guys?!"

"I'm a bit too far away from the both of you! So please just go ahead!"

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