Chapter 16

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'Pro Hero: Gaia is dating her Kouhai hero!!'

'I doubt she just dating him for fun.'

'Yeah,that guy seems like he's just after Gaia's money just all of the rumors I've been hearing about Gaia's love life complication..'

I wasn't at the school today I was home alone both the agency and the school don't want me to attend for now after the breaking news that got aired early in the morning about (Y/n) and me spending time with each other on the restaurant we went off last night.

"I should've not let my guard down..I've made more problem to (Y/n)..I-Is she going to hate me now??" I sighted as I went to the kitchen to get something to drink.

'For now I should stay quite..'


I decided to head into (Y/n)'s house and check for her Nejire told me that she wasn't there because she was busy at the agency especially Mirio was helping Midoriya.

'I wonder if (Y/n)'s at home..'

I knocked on the door three times and had given up when no one answered as I use the spare key that (Y/n) gave me before as I put my shoes away and headed my way to the living room.

"What do you mean 'You don't wanna'? You're just gonna get into more trouble and I'm sure he doesn't feel that way yet.."


"Please do understand me that I only cared for your safety (Y/n).."

"He has taken another step so do I,I won't give up on this easily--"

"And what if things will just be the same will you overcome another loneliness by that kouhai?!"

"Don't raise your voice inside my house when I don't wanna hear those words.."

"I'm sorry..Look just ditch him in any possible you can do,okay?"

'Ditch who? Is this Hawks talking to (Y/n)?..Why is he so desperate to make me go away from (Y/n)..'

I keep eavesdropping into their conversation as the both of them still arguing about the situation (Y/n) and I got in.

"Just do it..Okay? I don't wanna argue more of this matter.."

"No,I can't..I've already attached myself to him so I can't go back to that desperate world again.."

"Look (Y/n)..If you ditch him I can make you happy more ever than he did..We're gonna spend more time together than with him.. At work and even off duty as heroes.."

"Do you even no what you're saying right now?! Have you lost your mind?!"

"No! I'm not losing my mind and  neither desperate of you ditching him! I just wanna make you happy,okay?"

"You're being weird right now.."

"Do you really wanna know..?"

"Just say it..I'm tired I wanna know how Amajiki's doing.."

"It's because I like you from the start.."

'W-What..??!!!..Hawks likes (Y-Y/n)..?!!'

I take a peek at the two of them as my eyes widened that Hawks pushed (Y/n) into the wall as she glared at him.

'I-Is he trying to..K-Kiss (Y-Y/n)?! I won't let that happen!!'

"N-No!!!!" I shouted as I ran towards Hawks and punched him.




"I-I won't let you take (Y-Y/n)!!" I said as I grab Hawk's collar.

"Why are you here?!" He said.

"Amajiki calm down put Hawks down!"(Y/n) said as I didn't listen.

"H-He wanted us to be separated..I-I don't want to let you go..No I don't wanna!" I said.

"Amajiki I won't let you separated from me too..So please calm down and put Hawks down.."She said as I followed and I looked down.

"Tch..Let's talk in other time.." With that Hawks left the house.

"Amajiki.."She said as she pulled me closed to her.

We stayed like that without saying anything as she was just trying to comfort me hugging me while stroking my hair and giving me head pats while I cling into her trying to stop myself from crying..

'D-Does she prefer older than younger to her? Does she likes more manly and cool than like me who usually cried a lot and can't lead her? Am I too clingy and being a pervert to her? Does she see me as like that kind of a person?...'

"No,you aren't Amajiki..You're different and I like who really you are so don't change yourself..Let's go sit at the couch.."She said as we sat down still clinging into her as she chuckled.

"Don't wanna let go,are we? Alright let's stay like this for a bit before we talk.."She said as she lay us into the couch still on the same position.

'I don't wanna let go..I don't really wanna let go..I don't wanna go away from her neither she go away from me..'


After a minute of silence of us as she comfort me I decided to open up and tell her how I felt when I got mad when Hawks was going to kiss her and I also told her about the news I saw earlier this morning.

"I see..Although I didn't see that on the news but I saw it online on the news website that I usually check on things up..Looks like we've become the headlines.."She said as she chuckled.

"You're not affected by this news?"I asked as she shakes her head.

"I'm already used to it..Did it perhaps affected you?"She said as I shake my head.

"No,not at all..I'm feeling more worried that it would affect you.."I said as she sighted in relief.

"Now you know that it doesn't affect me..You should not think more about it okay?"She said as I nod.

"Since we don't have any work neither school to do and to attend on we should spend more time together,don't you think?"She said.

"But what if the news still didn't stop?"I asked.

"I already have a plan for it although I'm doing it today together with you.."She said.

" What's the plan?"I said as she give me a peek kiss.


"Shush! We're gonna prove it to them that we really loved each other.."She said as she gives me a reassuring smile.

"We're gonna do a confession video.."

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