Chapter 25 (ENDO RESU ISLAND) PART 4!!

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The six female pro heroes in front of the ship where the safe zone would be for citizens on evacuating only to be captivated and taken as hostages by the villains.

In front of them weren't the only two villains they fought last time there was also some of the members from the League of Villains.

"Mr.Compress he's capable of captivating his opponents in the marble he's also quite capable in both offense and defense..Dabi his quirk kind of blue flames he can also make clones so be careful and the last one we had Twice I can't identify his quirk yet but the ruler he has been keeping in his hands are quite troublesome."(Y/n) explained as her comrades nod.

"Let's take the plan A,first."Ryukyo said as they all on their move to take action for the plan A.

The plan A was to surround them first and (Y/n) will be sure to use her butterfly and appeared out of nowhere to attack the villains inside as the others were going to get to the other side of the entrance and the exit as they all scattered everywhere making (Y/n) go alone since she was on her butterfly technique.

'This ship is huge..I'm sure the villains still don't know that we're here we gotta make our move quickly to take all of the citizens outside this ship and also Jude so we can attack however we want without hurting them.'(Y/n) thought.

Gaia (which is you,your hero name to be specific) went your way first to find where the citizens are after transforming back from your butterfly technique.

Gaia then finally heal groan and other voices as she decided to cheek the staff room where she just pass by and when she opened it,it was all of the citizens there sitting on the ground while not moving nor talking when she just opened the door and when she closed the door and try to take the single citizen to stand up it went back from sitting even how many times she tell her that she was a hero that's going to save her as she sighted and clenching her fist.

"They've been manipulating by that another unknown villain..I gotta beat him first so the citizens would take an action since they aren't at all restrain or anything just sitting here inside the staff room.."(Y/n) pointed out.

'I know you can still hear my head Zorro I've got another mission to you after taking all of our friends,here in the ship went to the staff room from the second floor and take all of the citizens out from the ship to the safe zone and after that come and find me..'(Y/n) called her pet animal named Zorro it was a fox.

"I deeply apologize from not talking you away from this mess first,but I promise you all would be all right when I beat that villain first."She spoke out as she scanned the area looking for a certain person.

'Where is he? Jude should be here since he also got caught--'

"Looking for someone."A voice spoke which cause (Y/n) to startled and was about to attack when she receive a hard kick from the stomach and got thrown out outside through the window that was now shattered.

She quickly release her roots and veins out to support her from throwing out fully into the ground as she and the villain just kick her by surprise chasing each other in the balcony at the roof top as (Y/n) begun to hear noises which signalized that the battle begins.




"Stop worrying about the citizens either of your comrades Gaia! Pay attention to me you wanted to take me down first to rescue the citizens,right?! Show me the true potential of your power!"The villains shouted as (Y/n) finally rose her head up to see the villain she was looking for.

"Ah,I see..You're gonna be mine."She said while wiping her mouth from the blood she cough as the villain grinned and laugh evilly.

The villain was wearing a black w/ some red strips on the cloak with a brown leather boots as his face were hidden because of the demon mask in front of it and making his voice difficult to identify.

"You gotta be hiding something serious because you're hiding your face and your voice couldn't identify."(Y/n) said as the villain chuckled.

"The villain's name..Speaker!"The villain claimed himself as Speaker said as he expand his arms it looks like he was in a grand ball welcoming himself with a manic laugh.

'I knew it..I knew it,it would be you..'(Y/n) thought as she puts in a fight stance.

"Now,tell me why do you want to take over control of the whole island."(Y/n) said as Speaker looked at her.

"What? Won't you ask about who really am I behind my mask,darling?!"Speaker shouted as (Y/n) give no attention from what he was saying.

"Nah,I think I know already.."


"This isn't really a good news at all!"Villain Twice complains as the other five pro heroes were standing it in front of them.

"It's four against five! This isn't fair where's the other one of ours!"Twice shouted.

"Shut your trap Twice..He's facing the nature hero we just gotta restrain this heroes and take control over this whole island."Dabi said as Twice beamed.

"Oh,I see.."He finally gets it as his other comrade villains sighted in disbelief.

"Then,we'll just gotta keep this young lady pro heroes in my marble--"


"Not so fast!"Before Mr.Compress the villains could take out his marbles to restrain the heroes inside his marbles Mirko immediately launch a fist in front of them as they dodge it right away.

"Oi Haul! Use your quirk and Mr.Compress restrain them right away when Haul's going to teleport them to you--"Before the villain could take action Mirko and the others take action first.


The fight continues and finally a single villains has taken down which was Twice as for (Y/n)'s fight against Speaker wasn't done.

The fox pet animal Zorro of (Y/n) finally take all of the animals in the hill/mountain to the ship to be a reinforcement as wild and different noises were going to be heard around the island heading their way to the ship.

The animals including Zorro finally went to the ship as they headed their way inside the ship and onto the staff room of the second floor which (Y/n) told him too come.

The animals that can be fit inside the staff room then tried to break all of the bracelet that were wore in their wrists as for the other animals whom weren't fitted inside the room were asked by Zorror to find and help the other pro heroes as Zorro decided to find (Y/n) first since he knows he can rely in his other friends of taking care of the citizens.



"Just surrender already!"I shouted as he keep dodging my veins and he was now able to cut each one of them using a katana he just ordered to come out,out of nowhere.

"You see Gaia..This island of mine why it's called 'Endo Resu Island' it means 'Endless Island'.."He said as I keep launching my veins and roots.

"What's the name of the island doesn't matter now! What the matter most is that you're a villain and wanted to take control of your island,but were stopped buy the higher ups."I said.

"Correct,that's why it really betters that I asked for that man's power."Jude said as he finally takes off the demon mask as he laughed evilly once again.

"Man? Whom are you referring to."I said.

I keep asking him who's the man he was talking too but he only said praised words for him and laugh maniacally before he stops and grinned widely.

"All for one.."

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