Chapter 8

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"Aunt (Y/n)!!"



Nejire called us early in the morning to ask for help finding her Aunt in there entire house it's been a few minutes since we started to look around at the whole house and yet we couldn't still find her.

"How about we ask the gardener?"

"The gardener? Oh! You mean Ran he's not here yet since it's so early..I wonder where she can be off to last night—"

"Last night?! Why what did happen exactly?!"

"Woah Tamaki..Calm down a bit let's hear Nejire out first."

"Oh-yeah!..S-Sorry about that N-Nejire.."

"It's alright Tamaki..After what happened yesterday at UA when we arrived here home her face is always in deep thoughts and at night she decided to went out somehwere for a drink.."

"Ms.(Y/n)'s drinking has been moving often now I think it's the best if we pursue ourselves to ask her and help out..She's been a good person to me..I know how she feel devastated after hearing out the news that someone close to her appeared out of nowhere to help UA out."

"Y-Yeah..She must also feel lonely now..Someone close to her and then running away from her job and her friend.."

"What did you say Tamaki?..Aunt (Y/n) run away? Mom told me she resigned because she can't handle it anymore but mom never mentioned that she run away..How did you know about it?"

"H-Huh?! I thought you knew..W-Well we talked about it and i-its quite s-surprising that she..O-Opened up to me.."

"Definitely something is off with Ms.(Y/n) and with her job issue..Do you think we should ask for your mom's help?"

Nejire then shake her head as she sat down at the couch Mirio and I then followed sitting besides her.

"Mom told me that never ask for her help when it comes to Aunt's personal issues..Aunt doesn't want to be a burden to mom and yet my mom doesn't see her as a burden she deeply care about for her..It's just she says we should give her some space and time for her personal issues.."

"I-It's already getting late for us.."

"I think we should went here after school Tamak—"

"No,I'll stay here..I-I mean..I-I'll wait for her to come..I'll be absent for today—"

"But Tamaki.."


"I'm begging..Just let me stay here and wait for her..I-I'll make sure she tells me everything..I-I'll do what I can.."


"Mirio,Nejire please.."

They both sighted and just nod before taking their bags and wave goodbye to me before leaving the house leaving me all alone completely.

"I think I should prepare something nice to eat in case any minute she would went home.."

I then went to the kitchen,put the aprons and take the utensils and ingredients out for some chicken soup to make and some rice balls to have with.

'She's feeling devastated..But why would she doesn't want to let anyone know and why does she desperately to avoid her friend and not trying to contact Gaia since she was someone close to her..I wonder how the three of them could make up and fix everything..'

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