Chapter 10

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It's been a week since (Y/n) and I did the friendly date and we shared a moment,then after that she left we didn't get the chance to talk and I haven't seen her everywhere around in there house.

"Aunt (Y/n)'s been busy..She did told me she won't come back until she's done with some businesses she had to do..But here's the address of the apartment she's been staying,but please..Tamaki don't rush things yet something might bad happened that Aunt doesn't want..You know about the Friendly Date you had.."

'She probably hates me..I should've not kissed her at all..'

'Getting rejected—Wait..She doesn't say she doesn't feel the same way because I kissed her before she could speak..'

'I was so scared that she might reject me but this way is more harsh than I thought it would be..Getting avoided and going to get hate by her..'

"Hey Tamaki."Mirio called out as I looked at him.

"W-What is it..M-Mirio?"I asked as he tap
my shoulder as I looked at him confused.

"Don't you want to pay a visit or just check her out? I mean go to that address that you know that Nejire give you.."He said.

"B-But Nejire told me th—"

"It's probably the best if you should now than before it's too late..You wanted to know everything and check it out,right? I know it's bothering you."He said as I slightly nods.

"So go on and I'll be heading my way in home alone..Nejire's was on her internship and you should probably go to Ms.(Y/n)'s apartment..See ya Tamaki!"With that he waved off goodbye as I went my way to the different direction.

'Let's just check her out and how she's doing..'

I then take a bus to make my way on (Y/n)'s aparment address as I was kind of lost because it was difficult for me to find but thankfully some few people did help me to give me directions on where the apartment was located at the place.

'It's over there..I should knock and check her out-'

'Wait..Who's that guy?..Huh?! They're hugging?!'

There was a guy that just went out from (Y/n)'s apartment and then they hugged each other.

The guy was then heading towards my direction as I went to a small space to hide and luckily he didn't notice me as I looked back at the door and it was still wide open.

'Is there another guy again..?'

I decided to head my way towards the door and it was about to close as I run and put my feet in the space before the door could get closed as I looked at the person and it was her.



"What are you doing here?"She asked.

"I-I'm here to..P-Pay you a visit and check you out."I replied.

"I'm doing okay and I'm just bus—"

"Then why aren't you at your house? Are you trying to avoid me?"I said as she shakes her head and fully opened the door again.

"My contract on a business is far away from the house so I decided to rent this apartment for the business I had but I will be home a few more weeks or just a month,I guess.."She said.

"W-Why so long?!"I said as she sighted.

"Amajiki..Come on in first."She offered as I followed and sat on the couch as she told me while she went to the kitchen.

'It's nice and warm here..I'm glad that she isn't feeling any uncomfortable place she's in..'

"Here have some tea to drink."She offered as I take and and take a sip as she sat beside me.

"Well,why it take so long because—"

"Beacause of that guy,isn't it."I looked at her as she looked at me.

"What are you talking about Amajiki?"

"That guy earlier you two were hugging..That means he's also the reason why it's going to take a month about your business—"

"Amajiki..He's a business partner he already had a wife we were hugging because we were friends back before..He was my schoolmate and he's on the support agency..It takes too long about the business since we just started it."She said.

"O-Oh..Uh..Sorry..But how about you feel when.."I said.

"Well..I still don't know..I see you as a nice and lovely person,but.."She pause.

"Does that mean I do have a cha—"

"Amajiki please don't push yourself just for me and how you feel..Maybe there's just a misunderstanding about how you f—"

"It's not a misunderstanding..I-I already c-confirm how I feel..You know w-when I k-kissed you.."I said.


"Then..How would you feel about this.."I said as I pushed her down at the couch towering her over.

"Amajiki what are you d—"



"Amajiki..Why are you still trying when I just told you not to push yourself."She said.

"P-Please just give me a chance..T-To prove it to you that I loved you..P-Please (Y-Y/n).."I begged as I could feel my tears were flowing out as she wiped my tears away.


"That's enough.."He said as he pushed me away.

"I-I'm sorry.."I said.

"You just lose control..Be sure to control it next time when we went somewhere together again.."She said as I looked at her.

"D-Do you accept it?"I said.

"More likely it's a pre-relationship first..Let's just see if things would work out for the both of us.."She replies as I engulfed her into a hug.

"Thank you so much (Y-Y/n).."I said as she pats my back.

"I'll make you mine.."

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