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After we received a call from the Endo Resu Island where (Y/n) was also there with her female pro hero friends we immediately went there with Endeavour's agency..The man named Frank that he was an advisor of the owner of the whole island told us that the island has become a chaos battle with some intruders including the League of Villains and (Y/n) with her female pro heroes were taking action and save the citizens in the ship which was supposed to be the safe zone instead they were all taken as hostages by the villains.

"Calm yourself a bit Suneater! I know she's fighting with the villains but they're pro heroes with her."Fat Gum said as I followed what he said and calm myself down from getting worried about her.

'Every time this happens when she's on the battlefield I can't stop thinking but worrying about her safety despite she's more professional in battles than me..'

We were using some helicopters and I was sitting inside of one of it since I don't wanna overuse my quirk until we get there so that I can make sure that (Y/n) is safe more than me and the other pro heroes were just using their quirk such as Hawks who's quirk was fierce wings.

"Pro Heroes! We've arrived!"

We've finally arrived near the border of the Endo Resu Island but we were welcomed and surprised by veins and roots almost covering the whole island and what's more surprising is that the veins started to move on its own and trying take us down.


"There are veins trying to take all of the helicopters down!"

"Be careful!"

"Isn't this Gaia's quirk? What is she doing against this on us? Is she even thinking to cover the whole island for good."Eneavour spoke.

"I'm sure G-Gaia wouldn't do this! S-Something might wrong was going on down the island."I butted in.

'I won't let say someone bad against her I know she wouldn't do this without a proper r-reason!'

"He's right Endeavour,Gaia wouldn't do this just to cover the island by more intruders when she knows there's reinforcement to come."Hawks spoke out.

"I agree."Fat Gum said.

"What should we do now?"Red Riot asked.

"Let's go down using our quirks and take the villains down so we can save the citizens first."Endeavour said.

"Suneater..You already know what to do first."Hawks said and with that he flew away together with Endeavour going down to the island's ground as we started to followed.

"Just go down and save everyone pro heroes! We're be dealing with this veins so we can buy you some time!"

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