Chapter 29

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"Where are you really taking me?"I asked Rumi as she just dragged me out from my house and put me inside the car whom Yu was driving and Nemuri was sitting beside her at the front as Rumi sat beside me at the backseat.

"It'll be a surprised you'll know it soon when we got there."Rumi said.

"And where exactly is that?"I said as they all grinned at me.

'What are they really planning into me..Are they gonna pull out a prank to me or something?'

"To the destination!"Nemuri exclaimed as I sighted.

"Yu drive faster so we won't run even a bit late!"Rumi said.

"Hai! Hai~!"Yu said as she makes the car drive more faster as its normal pace.



"Why the h*ck are we in this fancy building..?"I questioned looking from below to the top of the building with a confused and awe look at the same time as I heard a sight.

"I guess they're also really into this,huh.."Nemuri said.

"Well of course! This is for (Y/n) and that 'guy' should really treat her like a queen."Yu said as I looked at her.

"Whom do yo refer the 'guy'??"I asked as she just put her index finger on her lips while wiggling her eyebrows as I just sighted and don't budge more questions.

"He really should act like a man after this!"I got startled from Rumi's action when she spoke out loud while clenching her fist.

I looked back at the building and it seems like it was a fancy motel or something from this building since it was almost night I could see the light from the top floor of building I assume that it was somehow a huge balcony or even a roof top for every guest who went here.

"Should we go ahead to the area already?"Nemuri asked.

"Are you really serious,Nemuri? Ugh! That's why I bought a new dress for (Y/n) to wear tonight so she could look more elegant and presentable in front of him."Yu said.

"If you're going to take me into a blind date and not a meeting or even a discussion for a mission I should ditch this one girls! I have a freakin' BOYFRIEND! And I'm sure he'll be jealous for an entire week or even month of this when he find ou--"Before I could finish my sentence the girls dragged me inside the building while giggling as for Rumi she was just laughing and also wiggling her brows as we proceed into a female's bathroom.

They pushed me gently in one of the toilet room and also throw a paper bag that has a handed and as I locked the door inside I can't help but feel anxious if Amajiki would find this out he'll probably beginning to be a dominant than a Sofie boyfriend..As I looked at the paper bag it was wrapped with a pure white cover and the handle was a golden one I decided to take the dress out from the bag and just to saw that it wasn't just a (f/c) cocktail dress but also a (f/c) pair of 3 inc heels.

'Oh dear..'

I sighted again and just decided to go along with this and explained everything to Amajiki when he find this out..I take off my upper and bottom clothes and exchange it to the (f/c) cocktail dress and also exchange my rubber shoes into (f/c) 3 inch heels as I went out from the toilet of getting exchange what I wear..I could tell that the girl's eyes were glued into me with an awe and excitement.

"You look so beautiful (Y/n)~!"Nemuri complimented.

"More than beautiful! She's gorgeous!"Yu said.

"Indeed she is."Rumi said as I thanked them.

"So..What now?"I asked as the two girls giggled.

"We'll put some make ups on and change your hair style into an elegant bun!"Yu said as she clasp both of her hands with a closed eye smile.

"Glad I'm always prepared for this stuff!"Nemuri said as we heard a thud that the counter of the restroom has been weight like a ton of wrecking balls inside in a single bag that was full of make ups from Nemuri.

"What kind of make up should we put on her?"Yu asked.

"I don't know you girls are better at this than me."Rumi shrugged.

"Let's just put some natural and light than heavy make ups we don't wanna make the lovely soon to be bride being a clown in front of the soon to be groom."Nemuri said as she take some make up items out from the bag.

"I'll do the hair style,Rumi assist Nemuri of taking care for (Y/n)'s make up."Yu said.

"Sure,that wouldn't be a problem."Rumi said as she started assisting Nemuri.

Nemuri and Rumi helped each other for my make up..Putting some light eye shadows (it could be any color that cannot be turn into dark neither heavy make ups),liquid foundation,a rosy blush for my cheeks,pink tint for my lips,mascara with an eye liner and for the final touch they put a face spray.

On the other hand,Yu wasn't having any trouble at all instead of the two for the make up she was actually having fun of taking care for my hairstyle turning it into an elegant bun.


"And done!"

"We're all set! We still have 2 minutes to be there so we should go now."Yu said as they clean the mess they've just made and put back all of the make up items inside the bag as they gently pushed me out of the female's restroom as we proceed to the elevator.

Glances and whispers were all over the area when we went outside from the female's restroom.

'I'm getting a bit of embarrassment right now than being confident and pride for being dressed up like this..I'm pretty sure that the girl's did well of putting my make up on and especially to my hair style! But why do I really feel the opposite one?!'

A sight escape from my mouth as I heard 'ding' from the elevator and they gently pushed me inside without them as Yu handed me a pair of (f/c) earrings and (f/c) diamond necklace.

"Hey aren't you gonna come with me?!"I said as they shake their heads and smiled before the elevator's door finally closed and taking me into the top floor of this building.

"Tsk..I'm starting to get nervous about this than being nervous of explaining this to Amajiki when he really finds out..Dang it!"I sighted and just followed what the girls told me to wear the earrings and the necklace they just give to me.

'Take a deep breath and be confident! Be yourself (Y/n) Hado! You got this!'

"I shouldn't be nervous and instead be the opposite one since I am the Nature hero:Gaia and I am a pro hero I shouldn't act like this..So,breath deeply."I talked to myself as I took a deep breath before trying to process things.


"Alright..Here goes nothing (Y/n) Hado,you got this."

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