Chapter 13

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It's been a week since I started to work with the agency again together with Hawks and sometimes having Endeavor to work with us..Amajiki and I just barely hangout and he often sometimes slept at the apartment with me since I wasn't still back at the house since my business with a friend in the support agency was still on going..I was asking a favor of him to create me a new tech-hair donut for my hair since I usually used my hair to release veins in order to capture villains easily and when I turned off my quirk,my hair become a messy one and I'm always tired of arranging it back.

But,now I and Hawks are currently having a meeting to discuss regarding the matter about All Might's resignation with Endeavor and if we should change things up and the three of us will work together as one more like unifying two agency to become as one.

"What's your point about unifying our agencies as one,Gaia and Hawks? What good benefits that my agency will get after this meeting and confirm that we'll work as one especially the media is still after on Gaia?"Endeavor asked with crossed arms.

"Both of our agencies,we'll gain much benefits just imagine the number one and two hero especially the nature hero,Gaia is back on duty will work together as one that would make us a good trio,don't you think? And about Gaia's issue on media I'm sure we can work out things up."Hawks replied as Endeavor glance at me.

"Then,may I ask a single question to you?"He asked me as I nod.

"Go ahea--"

"How long have you been dating the semi-pro hero in UA named Suneater."He said straightly as Hawks were in shocked the same as I am but I didn't show it to him.

'How did he know about us? We both don't hangout much often now..Did he find out from my friend that I work with about the invention? Or he found by investigating and tracking me down and what am I doing..?!'

Hawks then laughed so hard.

'Is he mocking me now?'

"Woah..I never thought you would end up into a relationship without me knowing it and just to find out now from the new number one hero's mouth."Hawks said.

"This isn't funny at all Hawks be professional about this matter..Listen,the media is still after on Gaia and the media still doesn't know that she's dating someone younger than her and also a semi-pro hero from Fat Gum's agency."Endeavor said as Hawks glared at him.

"Is that an insult that you're giving to my friend?"He said as Endeavor 'tched'.

"Anyways,answer my question Gaia..I am just asking and making sure I am not trying to make you break up with him."He said as I nod.

"It's been a few months,I guess..Since I knew and met him by my niece and we eventually become close he ended up confessing his feelings towards me despite the things I did everything to make him stop that,but he was a stubborn one..We just started dating a few weeks ago that's all.."I replied.

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