Chapter 14

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'All I can remembered Hawks got almost burned and I got kicked from the stomach by bunch of clones from that villain I've fought before in UA High..'

'He's also strong,but I'm also strong since I'm a pro hero how can he able to givr me bunch of hits..Probabaly he waited for that time since we're gonna exhausted from the nomu..Damn it..'

I couldn't feel any senses around me after that fight when I got blocked out and I didn't hit the hard ground instead there was another pair of arms caught me but I couldn't tell who it was since I've knocked out and the reinforcement came..

'I guess I should take some rest before I could have a full control of my body again..'


I've been here after the incident happened between the three pro heroes against two villains and (Y/n) was knocked out and luckily I caught her before she could hit the ground hard.

Fat Gum let me stay at the hospital and look after her for the night since I'm gonna go for school by tomorrow..Nejire visited her earlier but she was still busy at her agency and she let me take care and look out for her.

"(Y-Y/n)..You must have a tough day all along after fighting those two strong villains.."I spoke as I stroke her hair.

'She still isn't awake yet the doctor told me not to worry since she isn't dead and her body needs rest in order to recover and she can be awake by tomorrow..'

'But I wish she would wake up now than tomorrow so she can tell me how she really felt so I could help her..If we just came there more earlier she wouldn't happen to be knocked off by that villain..Endeavor was also at the emergency room since he had the most injury than the three of them..And pro hero number two Hawks also (Y/n)'s friend aren't here after the incident he didn't even pay a visit to her..'

"Where was he,anyway..Didn't he also care for (Y/n)..—"

"I care for her I just got things to do that's all Suneater."The door opened revealing Hawks with a fruit of basket with him as he put it in the counter.

"Is she awake? What did the doctor said?"He asked sitting across of me.

"She's alive but the doctor wanted her to be admitted in case if she got cardiac arrest earlier..She got knocked off and badly kicked into her stomach but none of her vital cords is damage.."I replied as he nods.

"I hope she wakes up soon.."He said as he was about to kiss (Y/n) in the forehead when I stopped him as he looked at me.

"The doctor also said give her a space to breath so that means no one should got closer to her.."I said as he sat back and I did the same.

"You must be Amajiki,then her lovey-dover I suppose..You're young and also a semi-pro hero don't you have any other goal than to be with (Y/n).."He said.

'Lovey-dovey?..What does he mean any other goal besides being with (Y/n)?..'

"What are you really after for (Y/n).."He said while crossing both of his arms.

"U-Uh..W-What do you mean..P-Pro hero H-Hawks..?"I asked.

"Just call me Hawks."He said as I nod.

"Are you after for (Y/n)'s wealth?"He asked as my eyes widened as I looked at him.

"W-What do you m-mean?"I asked as he sighted.

"You know..Bunch of guys before once she started her job as a hero..She's been digging up golds and bunch of guys were after her wealth..She's been dating quite few guys and ended up getting cheated behind her back becauce those jerks were all after her money only..And as her friend it's my duty to stop those kind of guys..You understand,right?"He said as I nod.

'Is he referring those guys to me? Does he mean I was only with (Y/n) because I was after her money? Wait! No! I wouldn't do that to her!! (Y/n) is important to me I love her because I just loved her not by her money!!'

"You look furious and frustrated form what I said pretty nasty words,right? But that's why I'm looking out for her away from you."He said.

"I-I'm not after (Y/n)'s wealth or anything..I love (Y/n).."I said.

"You do? I thought you were just playing with her."Hs said as I shake my head.

"I'm not..And I will prove that to you and to her that I truly love her."I said.

"If you say so kid..I'll be going now say hi to her for me and that I visited her."With that Hawks then leave the room.

'What is he trying to do to me anyway? Is he testing me?'

I looked at (Y/n) and she was still asleep as I looked at the basket full of different kinds of fruit that Hawks just brought for her..

'I guess it's not bad if he just looking out for (Y/n) just what I'm doing right now..I do understand how he feel about her friend but Hawks doesn't need to worry anything since she's in a good hands right now..I'll not just prove it to him but to (Y/n) too..'

I then kissed (Y/n)'s forehead before closing my eyes and trying to fall asleep.

'Please wake up soon..'

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