Chapter 31

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The two newly married couples had arrived into their destination of their for whole week vacation after having more missions back in Japan as being married couple heroes in action.

(Y/n) had already booked a flight for the two of them for their honeymoon and to spend more time together alone without any mission,villains to capture and citizens to save for a whole bunch of day..The two got the last room of the 7th floor of the hotel they have signed in.

The hotel wasn't that far away from the airport they've just landed and luckily the hotel welcomed them with a pleasure by sending a cab with a driver and then receive a gift together with a flower necklace they made(the owner and the staff) and usually greeted big times guests either VIP guests they had in their hotel it wasn't a treat for just newly married couple,but as a professional hero that stayed in their hotel.

The hotel was quite huge of how they looked it personally than at the website they look before back in Japan it has an indoor pool and an outdoor hot spring..It also has a salon,spa,coffee shop,dining area,ballroom,music area and etc..It was an expensive one that (Y/n) booked in indeed for them to enjoy.

"I-I'm quite f-flattered of how they welcomed us here."Tamaki spoke as he help (Y/n) unpack their suitcases they had for the whole week.

"It's not a surprise for me though I've been in few hotels from few countries I've visited before with my...Ex boyfriends.."She said as she sighted at the last part mentioning and recalling back her memories with her ex boyfriends before.

'Honestly (Y/n) has been into fifth relationships before she met Tamaki and got married.'

"Ex b-boyfriends,huh.."Tamaki mumbled but it was enough for (Y/n) to heard it.

"Say Tamaki,why didn't you let Zoro come with us?"(Y/n) asked.

"B-Because I don't want your pet to b-bother us.."He replied blushing.

"Oh,I see.."(Y/n) couldn't budge into more conversation with him after she mentions her 'ex boyfriends' before it makes Tamaki sad.

"So..Someone already had your first love.."Tamaki said as (Y/n) chuckles.

"W-What's funny?"Tamaki asked as he looked at (Y/n) who was still busy unpacking their clothes inside the suitcase

"It's because you're obviously jealous Tamaki..You really don't have to be jealous in anything now since we're both 'married' remember? And besides my first love was just a puppy love one I didn't even know if it was a good thing to feel love back when I was at junior high..And that's past Tamaki not in this future."(Y/n) said as she leaves kisses both of his husband's cheeks making him more flustered than before.

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