chapter one.

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Tonight's the night I see Dream. George said to himself.

His crush for Dream had grown so much, from friendly flirting, just affectionate friends, to crushing on him so hard it physically made his heart ache. He longed for Dream. He wanted so much for him and with him, to late night fantasies, to wishing he could cuddle him under the stars. He just wanted to call him his.

Only his. He never meant to be possessive of his friend—since that's what they were, only friends—but the thought of him liking anyone but George boiled his blood. Just thinking about it made him irritable, he scratched his arm out of annoyance.

But for now that would have to wait and he needed to figure out what he was wearing to the party. He scanned the room, which wasn't exactly clean but wasn't a pigs sty either. He paced around his room in a stress filled state.

In the closet sat a pile of clothes, which he assumed were mostly clean. Nothing sparked his interest or caught his eye though, all he had were dull, casual clothes, nothing he wanted and definitely nothing that would impress Dream.

His mind wondered to questions such as; what was everyone else wearing? would Dream even notice his clothes? Why did he care so much?

He cared so much because Dream was perfect. He had the most beautiful face he'd ever seen, the prettiest hair, and the nicest shade of yellow, that yellow could be, eyes. Or well, green. He didn't know the difference. If he thought badly of George or thought down on him he would lose his mind.

He settled on a navy blue sweater pulled over a collared shirt, and a pair of cuffed grey jeans. It was a style that he didn't wear often, but Sapnap had encouraged the look on him nonetheless. 

He turned on his heel to face himself in the full length mirror. Something didn't fit right with the outfit. With further inspection, he came to the idea of messing up his hair. It was a silly idea but maybe it would look good. He traveled to the bathroom, his steps were heavy with excitement.

Once flicking on the light, he opened up a few drawers in search for gel or any hair products; only to remember he didn't have any because he never did his hair. His lips parted to let out a disappointed sigh but another alternative came to mind.

He ran the faucet for a moment before getting his hands wet, slicking them through his hair and ruffling it. While it didn't look the best, he figured it would work and hopefully catch Dreams eye and attention.

Ding his phone sounded from his pocket. He hastily pulled it out and clicked it on the message that would send him into a pit of dread.

Two missed messages.

He groaned, he already knew who they were from. Sapnap had been bugging him about this party for days now, and with the party today he wasn't going to let George skip out on it. Not that he planned to anyways.

He swiped open on his phone and opened his messaging app.

From Sap. The message read, "where are you?" Then another right under it reading, "dude you're late."

His texts prompted George to check the time. 9:59 PM.

"Shit." He cussed under his breath, the party started at 9:30 and it was probable Sapnap was pretty upset, most likely thinking he wasn't going to show. Immediately he called him and in an instant Sapnap picked up.

"Where are you? The party started like half an hour ago!" He spoke loudly over the booming music and sea of people chatting, although his words were slightly incoherent George understood what he was saying.

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