Chapter 14

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Night time, the same day...


I sit on my throne, my hair disheveled from my stress and worry. It had been days and I still couldn't find my beloved. My stress was starting to get to me. My children have noticed this as well, they are no longer a healthy shade of green and are now wilting. 

"Where are you my love?" I mutter gripping my hair, "What have those bastards done to you? Where have they put you?"

My children curl around me trying to comfort me. I cradle my face in my hands, tears of frustration, stress, and sadness beginning to slip down my chin. I don't stop them letting the stream of tears continuously flow. Although the begin to slow when I hear one of my children speak.

I found her mother

I look over at the vine with wide eyes, "Where is she?"

Arkham Asylum. 

My sadness is replaced by anger. They kept her imprisoned right beneath my nose. Those Justice Leaguers will regret this. 

Your POV

I wake up from my nap feeling surprisingly warm. Although as I open my eyes I see why. Cheetah was snuggled up against me, her head laying on my chest. I watch as her chest moves up and down, soft purrs leaving her as her tail curls around my leg. My eyes travel downward and I stop myself when I start to get hard.

"No." I mutter turning my blushing face away, "You're with Ivy."

I slowly and carefully pry Cheetah off of me. A whine escapes her but she doesn't wake up. I quietly leave our cell and look over the railing of the walk way. My eyes trail over the various group of prisoners, some playing card games, watching TV, or just talking. My gaze stops at Frost seeing her talking with another familiar face-Catwoman. I make eye contact with the beautiful cat themed villain, who quickly points me out. Frost turns around and when she sees me a smirk appears on her face. She motioned me over and I roll my eyes before walking down to the table. 

"This is one of my cellmates-V/N."

"Oh I know who she is." Catwoman smirks eyeing me lustfully

I only stare at her as she obviously checks me out. 

"Come on you can at least say something." Frost sighs placing her hand on my shoulder

"So if you and Cheetah got into a fight who would win?" I ask 

I hold back a laugh at Catwoman's surprised face. She goes to answer only to have someone else interrupt.

"Me obviously." I turn around seeing Cheetah standing behind me. She crosses her arms as she looks at the other cat themed villain, "While she may have the lives and flexibility of a cat, I have the power, my claws, speed, and my own flexible reflexes. I would easily win." 

"I mean she's not wrong." Catwoman shrugs thumping her fingers against the table

"Hm I was expecting more of a fight but I'll accept victory." Cheetah chuckles sitting next to me

"Anyway since it's about to be lights out-"

Frost was interrupted by a loud explosion nearby. Almost immediately alarms began to blare and the light turned to from their normal color to red. The power cut a few seconds later, releasing all the prisoners.

"Alright!" I hear a prisoner cheer, "Time for a riot!"

Multiple prisoners rush out in the hallways where they quickly began to fight with the guards. 

"Fuck yeah. I'm getting the hell out of here." Frost smiles running after them

"Hey wait for us!" I call out and me, Cheetah, and Catwoman quickly follow her

We run down the halls fighting off any guards that try and stop us. Eventually we meet the inmate item storage room, which was huge. Cheetah and I take off down an aisle, looking for the box that contained my gear. 

"Here it is." Cheetah calls to me and I quickly rush over 

She rips the top off and I begin to grab my gear. Completely forgetting about Cheetah's presence I strip out of my inmate uniform and put on my original outfit. As I fix my belt I look over at Cheetah who was eyeing me with a lustful gaze. 

"I guess I should've expected you to be packing. Especially with a body type like yours." She purrs walking towards me

My eyes widen when she suddenly cups my dick, a flirtatious smile on her face. 

"I-I'm with Ivy remember?" I stutter backing away from her touch as I cover my crotch

"Oh I know. I'll be sure to ask her if we can share~" She grabs my chin placing a kiss to the side of my helmet

She walked away making sure to sway her hips for me.

"I'm so screwed." I mutter trying to calm myself down 

Once we all had our gear we exit the large room. We pass multiple hallway intersections as we try to find the exit. Although as we pass through one intersection, I notice vines lining the wall. I stop in my tracks, but the others keep on running not even noticing that I had stopped. I look after them then down the hall before making my decision. I grab my pistol from my holster slowly walking down the hall on high alert. I pass a couple guard bodies, all with obvious signs that they were strangled by something. My head snaps up at the sound of footsteps and I quickly point my gun towards the sound. I slowly walk towards the oncoming footsteps wanting to surprise the person. The exact opposite happens however, and I'm quickly restrained by vines. 

"Ivy?" I mutter seeing my lover

"Y/N." Her eyes tear up before she suddenly hugs me

The vines let go of me allowing me to return the hug. Ivy doesn't settle for just a hug, and quickly removed my helmet allowing her to slam her lips against mine. She pressed her front against mine, her hands trailing up to my cheeks (face ones) gripping them tightly. My back hits the wall as I kiss back, my lover slowly beginning to grind against me. Her hands quickly find their way to my belt, desperately wanting to get through it. I place my hands on her hips slightly pushing her away.

"Not here." I mumble our lips centimeters apart

A low growl comes from my lover forcing a shiver down my spine. 

"Fine but when we get home-"

"You'll have me all to yourself~" I smirk squeezing her sides 

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